10 Fascinating Facts About Bashir Salahuddin: The Creative Genius Behind Sherman’s Showcase

10 Fascinating Facts About Bashir Salahuddin: The Creative Genius Behind Sherman’s Showcase

Bashir Salahuddin is a true creative powerhouse. With a diverse skill set as an actor, comedian, and writer, he has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry over the past 20 years. His impressive portfolio includes writing for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Last O.G., as well as co-creating two of his own series: South Side and Sherman’s Showcase. His innovative thinking has not gone unnoticed, and with Sherman’s Showcase officially renewed for a second season, Bashir will continue to share his talents with the world. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Bashir Salahuddin.

1. He’s A Harvard Grad

Bashir’s journey to becoming a writer and actor took an unexpected turn. Initially enrolling at Harvard University with the intention of becoming a doctor, he soon realized that medicine wasn’t his true passion. He recalls, “You come to Harvard from the hood and you’re either going to be a doctor or a lawyer, you know? I just wasn’t interested in it. I didn’t want to go to labs, I didn’t want to go to any of my premed classes.” It was at Harvard that Bashir met his writing partner, Diallo Riddle.

2. His Wife Is An Actress

Bashir married Chanda Russell in 2017. Russell, an actress who made her on-screen debut in 2014, has since earned several acting credits, including a role in the series Downtown Girls. The couple shares a daughter together.

3. He Loves To Read

Growing up, Bashir was always considered a bit of a nerd. He preferred staying indoors and reading over playing sports. This love for reading ultimately paid off, as it helped him develop a vivid imagination and a passion for creativity.

4. His Parents Have Always Been Supportive

Having a strong support system is crucial, especially in the entertainment industry. Bashir was fortunate to have parents who supported his unconventional career choice. They remained supportive even when he decided to shift his focus to acting.

5. He Didn’t Start Acting Until College

Bashir was a late bloomer in the entertainment world. Unlike many who knew they wanted to act and write from a young age, he didn’t get involved in acting until college. After auditioning for a part in Othello during his sophomore year, he was hooked.

6. He’s Written For Drake

Bashir has had the opportunity to work with one of the world’s biggest stars, Drake. In an interview with TV Guide, he revealed, “Drake is someone we’ve written for, and he loves comedy.” Bashir also mentioned that Drake would be his dream guest for Sherman’s Showcase. Hopefully, we’ll see him in season two.

7. He’s A Chicago Native

Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Bashir is proud of his roots. Despite the area’s reputation for violence, he believes there is much more to the community and has fond memories of growing up there. He uses his work to showcase the beauty of the area.

8. He’s Not Active On Social Media

Despite his growing popularity, Bashir doesn’t seem to have any social media accounts. Perhaps he prefers to maintain a certain level of privacy.

9. He Got His Start On YouTube

YouTube has proven to be a successful platform for many creators. What began as a site for uploading random videos has become a breeding ground for those with big dreams. Bashir’s career first gained traction after he and his creative partner, Diallo Riddle, started posting videos on the platform.

10. He Studied Acting

When Bashir decided to get serious about acting, he knew he needed to learn as much as possible. While in college, he attended a theater training program in upstate New York. He recalls, “For the first time, I really just studied acting, and it was wonderful.”

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