Video Explores What It Was Really Like To See Star Wars In 1977
A lot of people might have guessed that Star Wars would eventually become an epic someday, but back in 1977, it’s likely that people had no idea just wh
A lot of people might have guessed that Star Wars would eventually become an epic someday, but back in 1977, it’s likely that people had no idea just wh
If there’s one thing that most people should be growing tired of by now it’s the constant and blind faith that many people have in Zack Snyder whe
Avar Kriss is a rather new addition to the Star Wars franchise, but her story goes back centuries before the initial trilogy, and it feels accurate to say tha
Granting a ‘contemporary look’ upon an 80s slasher flick sounds all well and good until one realizes what era we’re currently living in, and
Connecting a dollar value to integrity, ethics, and morality is abhorrent to most until the money is laid out on the table for those that are being sucked int
Some people might try their hand at becoming a star, and for a while, it might work since they might find a niche that they can work for a little bit, but Jea
To be fair, it doesn’t make a huge difference to put Millie Bobby Brown’s face on Hermione since there are only minimal differences that can be se
First things first, I’ve got to disagree with this guy about the title of Edge of Tomorrow, which is used as the example for the exoskeleton in this vid
Heroes being deceptive and duplicitous is not a new thing, in fact, it’s something that’s been happening for a while and has usually been justifie
There are some musical pieces that kind of need every single beat they possess to sound right and the Imperial March is definitely one of them. Without every