Why Darkhawk Deserves a Solo Movie or TV Series
If you’re asking ‘Who is Darkhawk?’ then you likely didn’t read a lot of comics as a kid, since this particular hero has been around f
If you’re asking ‘Who is Darkhawk?’ then you likely didn’t read a lot of comics as a kid, since this particular hero has been around f
People should be pretty happy to see that LeVar Burton is finally getting his shot on Jeopardy! as a guest host, but it’s fair to say that they might be
The general idea is that when a person buys something with their money, their own, hard-earned money, that the item is theirs, or they have the use of somethi
NCIS Spinoffs: A Constant Comparison to the Original The fascinating aspect of NCIS spinoffs is that, inevitably, fans will compare them to the original show.
Over the decades there have been plenty of times when it’s been necessary to simply shake our heads and wonder what our fellow human beings are thinking
It might be risky but I’ll go ahead and say it, I’m glad that Mads Mikkelsen never managed to get the part of Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic. Wh
After watching the highly-anticipated Mortal Kombat reboot it’s kind of fair to say that there NEEDS to be a Mortal Kombat 2 since the ending left a lot
Do you recall the enigmatic Dash Rendar from the Star Wars universe? His role was relatively minor, and many fans might have assumed he perished when his ship
It’s all a matter of perception when looking at the idea of a sequel to 47 Ronin, but right now it’s very easy to criticize this idea since it wil
It’s time for full honesty and it might be brutal, but if you drop out of college, move back home with your parents, and have no direction in life, then