Author: Tom Foster

A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. As a novelist and a screenwriter, he enjoys promoting one story or another. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling.

The Top 10 Deadliest X-Men Villains

Talk about the X-Men isn’t going to fade for a while since even the mere mention of them coming to the MCU is opening up possibilities in the minds of m

Gladiator 2 is Coming: Seriously?

It almost sounds as though Gladiator 2, which is apparently going to happen, is going to travel into the realm of fantasy, which sounds like a very poor way t

Why The Inhumans Should Be in the MCU

It feels as though even if a person were paying attention when The Inhumans debuted, they probably weren’t given enough material to go on to really get

Should ‘Silent Hill’ Get a Reboot?

At the moment it would appear that the Silent Hill reboot is more of a rumor than a reality, but if this horror story does make it back to the small screen it

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