Joker Fights Negan to the Death in Super Power Beatdown
The Joker vs. Negan from The Walking Dead. Who’ve you got as the winner in the Super Power Beat Down? This fight is perhaps one of the most epic and bou
The Joker vs. Negan from The Walking Dead. Who’ve you got as the winner in the Super Power Beat Down? This fight is perhaps one of the most epic and bou
Low Rider is a song by the popular and diverse band known as War and was released in 1975. It had a lot to do with the cultural practice of taking older, clas
Saturday Night Fever is one of those films you look back on and then look to the current culture of today and then spend a few minutes trying to reconcile how
In case you didn’t know, the scene in the Wizard of Oz during which Glinda brought down a moderate level of snow on the characters in the poppy fields t
The idea that children’s films have more death and murder than adult movies is leaving me with a really, REALLY confused look on my face. It’s the
Fans of the fictional character Wolverine are raising money to build a statue in Canada. If you’re sitting there waiting for the punchline then think ag
Gotcha! was kind of an oddball movie but it was good for the time in which it was made since it had to do with spies, espionage, and a young man that just pic
Hand sanitizer does work the way it’s supposed to, but not always the way people think or expect. For instance it’s only 99.99% effective in a lab
You would have to be insane crazy to get near a hornet’s nest of this size, even as an exterminator, or just that experienced to avoid being freaked out
Trying to find a parking place in real life is hard enough, but trying to find one in the movies can be absolutely hilarious. There’s nothing really to