Author: Tom Foster

A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. As a novelist and a screenwriter, he enjoys promoting one story or another. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling.

The 10 Best Bad Boys/Girls of DC

Every story and every franchise has a list of characters that range from the most upright and noble to the most morally corrupt and twisted individuals one co

DMZ is Brutal, and We Love It

One reason why DMZ hits so close to home is that many people still believe that the USA is headed toward a revolution and a possible civil war that will tear

Amityville in Space: Seriously?

Space isn’t exactly a new frontier in the movies any longer, since plenty of movies have taken advantage of the ability to head off into the starry nigh

Magik vs. Scarlet Witch: Who Wins?

It’s kind of a habit to compare powerful characters in the comics, isn’t it? The stronger a person gets, the more likely it is that people are goi

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