Teen Wolf 2.11 Review: Standing at the Gates of Hell
Teen Wolf left their heroes staring into the gates of Hell tonight, but will they fall through fire? Or charge into it head first?
Teen Wolf left their heroes staring into the gates of Hell tonight, but will they fall through fire? Or charge into it head first?
Who got evicted on Big Brother tonight? Well with the events that transpired tonight, I would have to say... I evicted myself.
This week's Pretty Little Liars showed us that everyone has secrets, including those who we think we know like the back of our hands.
Epic episode of Teen Wolf last night as a answers came flying at us at the speed of a Kanima strike...
Last night's Pretty Little Liars was all about the crazy. And Mona had ample amounts of it to dish out.
The Kanima Master was revealed, while an old friend returned to party. It must be another Monday night episode of Teen Wolf!
Well, damn. What just happened on Teen Wolf? Answer: a whole freaking lot! Where do we even begin? Lydia’s New Friend is Actually An Old Enemy Who would
CBS has finally revealed the cast and twists of Big Brother 14! Is it an all-new cast? Or are some past Big Brother players lurking about?
The Kanima proved to be the ultimate 'frenemy' on Teen Wolf last night. Is Jackson now a lost cause?
Tonight's Teen Wolf finally disclosed the identity of the Kanima, and we have to say that we are happy about the reveal.