Appreciating the Storied Career of Hector Elizondo

Appreciating the Storied Career of Hector Elizondo

If the name Hector Elizondo doesn’t spark your memory then there are clips to come that should make it very clear who he is and why you should recognize him. Likely you’ve already seen him a bunch of times and are saying “oh, I know that guy”. He’s been in enough movies and TV shows to gain some kind of recognition and has been amazing in just about everything he’s done. His filmography reads like a story all its own, detailing a career that started back in the 1960s and has spanned all the way to the present. Can you believe this guy is 81 and still going? He doesn’t seem to have lost a step throughout all that time, and yet you can kind of tell that he’s beginning to slow down quite a bit. Eight decades on this earth is enough to do that to anyone, but he’s still able to put forth his best foot and continue to do what he loves.

That’s inspirational in a big way. Anyway, here are the clips I mentioned.

Necessary Roughness

This movie was all about the misfits that were being used to try and create a winning football team and how to use the most unconventional methods possible to make it work. As the coach he knew how to get things done but he also knew that bringing in a 30-year old freshman was a severe long shot that didn’t have a lot of chance of turning the program around. Things got so bad that he was laid up in the hospital for a short while since let’s face it, anyone’s going to suffer anxiety and a possible heart attack from having to deal with a team that’s a running joke in the college circuit.

Pretty Woman

Playing the part of the proper gentleman is at times seen as a way to seem like a snob but Hector pulls it off with such grace and poise that you can’t help but like the guy. It’s especially great since unlike many people that treat her so shabbily Julia Roberts comes to rely on Hector’s character in this movie since he’s so willing to show her the ropes and how to behave like a lady. That’s the kind of class that his characters usually seem to have even when he has to play someone that’s a little less patient with others. As he’s gotten older Hector has managed to break out of such roles a little now and again but they’re still some of the favorites that people enjoy.

The Princess Diaries

Once again he plays the gentleman that knows how to treat a lady, how to be patient, and how to hold onto a seriously deep and meaningful love for someone that he isn’t supposed to be able to have by law. That seems kind of cheap to be honest but at the same time he’s loyal, intelligent, and is the kind of guy that can make things happen simply because he’s been around so long and because he has that kind of authority. Loving a queen would take a lot of work and a lot of time it would seem, as well as a lot of patience that would simply destroy many other men, but he plays it off just perfectly.

Last Man Standing

As one of his most recent roles this has definitely been one of his best. Ed is the owner of Outdoor Man and is one of the craziest characters on the show. He’s a kind old man but he’s kind of a miser at times too since he’s rich and knows how to stay that way. Acting alongside Tim Allen however and the great cast that they have to back them up has made this show into something that you can’t deny is old-school funny with new-school charm. Essentially it’s another Tim Allen show but his fellow cast members have a lot more presence this time around than any other show he’s been on to be honest. Even with Home Improvement it seems as though Tim was the only real star of the show, while the others were kind of just there. In Last Man Standing though everyone has a pretty equal amount of footing.

One thing Hector has shown a lot of throughout his career besides charm and the kind of dry wit that’s hard to resist is that he has a lot of spirit and a lot of resilience. Think about it, how many people have really followed his career? He’s had fans and he’s been recognized throughout the years, but at the same time his popularity seems to drift about on the wind until he’s noticed in a movie or a show that gets a lot of attention. Hector’s been there the whole time, and he’s been one of the best supporting actors and even lead actors that rarely ever gets the kind of credit he deserves.

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