Anyone Else Miss The Legion of Doom in Pro Wrestling?

Anyone Else Miss The Legion of Doom in Pro Wrestling?

You can call them The Road Warriors or you can call them The Legion Doom.  Either way, it doesn’t matter.     I completely miss these guys.   I think wrestling today is as good as its ever been.  Honestly I do but is there anyone that even holds a candle to the Legion of Doom right now?  Also, is there a better finishing move than the Doomsday Device?  No chance.  So let’s have a little refresher as to who these guys were:

The Legion of Doom were a professional wrestling tag team famously comprised of Michael “Hawk” Hegstrand and Joseph “Animal” Laurinaitis, though other members were added later. They performed under the name “Road Warriors” in the American Wrestling Association, the National Wrestling Alliance, and World Championship Wrestling, and the name Legion of Doom (L.O.D. for short) in the World Wrestling Federation. Under either name, their gimmick was the same – two imposing musclebound wrestlers in face paint.

Generally recognized as the greatest tag team in professional wrestling history, the pair is well known as innovators. Popularizing the use of face paint, using their massive physiques and power moves to win over audiences, and introducing a tandem maneuver known as the Doomsday Device. Both men used the move as a team finisher throughout their careers, even when teaming with other partners.

Need we say more?  Actually, watch their entrance and get absolutely jacked up.  Can you even fathom what these guys would be doing in the WWE today?  We’re going to need some kind of reincarnation of these guys, pronto.  P.S. their comeback in 2003 was a really uncool move by the WWE.  These guys are legends.


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