10 Things You Didn’t Know about Anthony Gonzalez

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Anthony Gonzalez

Some people actually get jealous when they see kids as young as Anthony Gonzalez making it big before they’re even old enough to drive, but considering that in show business right now it sometimes takes starting early to really develop a career this is something impressive. While he hasn’t done a lot as of yet he has managed to impress enough people with his acting skills to have started on the road towards something that might work out to something great someday and afford him the chance to really shine as an individual much in the same way he’s already done. A lot of young actors do tend to start off quickly and gain speed as their career continues to build, but it’s proven to be those that are dedicated to the work and not just the glamour that tend to go the furthest.

Here are a few things you might not have known about him.

10. He first auditioned for Coco when he was 9.

It took about 2 years for him to get this role, during which it would seem that the movie was in production since animated films can take a while to complete given that they need to be just about perfect in order to really wow the audience. Coco didn’t disappoint either.

9. He was the voice of Miguel in Coco.

Coco is essentially about the quest of one young boy to bring music back to his family as he feels deeply enough about it that he manages to make an errant blunder and find his way to the land of the dead, where he discovers a secret about his lineage that was never known to any of them. Upon putting things right however he returns home, and music is returned to his family, along with the honor of a long-lost relative.

8. He’s 14 years old.

That’s obviously not the youngest that anyone has ever started a career but it is still fairly young when you consider just how much there is for Anthony to really experience in life. Hopefully he’ll learn how to balance everything as he goes.

7. He’s won a couple of awards already.

Not everyone can say they started winning awards for their acting before they were a legal adult, and despite the fact that some folks might know nothing about the awards he’s won they’re still big accomplishment for someone that has yet to see where his career will really take him.

6. His career started in 2012.

He’s been around longer than some people might think but it’s fair to say that he’s still a newbie since he doesn’t have a lot of film experience and he doesn’t have a lot of life experience either, so he’s bound to be a rookie for a while yet.

5. He’s been on a few TV shows.

Anthony has managed to show up on a few different TV shows and in a short film so he’s had some experience if not a lot. He hasn’t been the main character in a lot of his roles and has kind of just been there and gone for the most part. It’s a start even if it’s not that much.

4. He’s also a singer.

Developing another skill at this point in his life is a good idea since whether his acting career takes off or not there’s always a good cause for having something else to be able to fall back on just in case something doesn’t pan out. Plus, singing can be kind fun as well and just as engaging as acting.

3. He’s a very cheerful person.

Anthony seems to have a very good outlook on life and is a positive person that people like being around. At his age it’s important to start taking a wider view of the world and at the same time it pays to remember that there’s plenty in the world to enjoy.

2. He plays the guitar.

It almost seems as though the part of Miguel in Coco was made for Anthony because he has the same skill set as the main character that he provided the voice for. It could be that the casting director was simply waiting for someone to come along that might have been more experienced but eventually saw that Anthony had what was needed and decided to give him the part.

1. He’s a pretty regular kid at home.

It doesn’t sound like he gets to play the big, entitled movie star at home as he’s still made to do chores, be respectful, and take care of the same type of business that any teenager is. This is good to hear really since it means that there’s a good chance that he won’t grow up to be a spoiled, entitled person that thinks the sun rises and sets on them.

Again, he hasn’t done much at this point, but he’s on his way.

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