credit: The Angry Birds Movie
The Angry Birds Movie is a 2016 movie based on the popular game Angry Birds that was released in December 2009. The film followed the story of several bird characters that were both playable and unplayable in the games. If you didn’t get a chance to see the movie, now is the perfect time to get caught up. Read on for our recap of The Angry Birds movie.
The Angry Bird
The movie begins with a bird named Red rushing to deliver a birthday cake to a family of green birds. However, along the way, Red ran into some troubles, such as physically injuring himself after accidentally hitting several parts of a tree. This made the cake he was carrying damaged, making the dad of the green bird family refuse to pay for it. This made Red angry, and he smeared the cake on the father’s face. However, as he was heading back, he accidentally stepped on a squirrel, making him lose balance and fall face-first into an exposed unhatched egg. This theoretically hatched the egg, with Red being the first face the hatchling had seen. The family then sued Red, and he was sentenced to be sent to an anger management class as punishment.
In the class, he met Chuck, a yellow triangular bird that could travel with impressive speeds; Bomb, a black-colored bird that could explode under stress and surprise; and Terrence, a large intimidating red bird. Their teacher was a white bird named Matilda.

credit: The Angry Birds Movie
The Pigs
One day, a huge ship docked on the beach of Bird Island. However, Red’s house was along the coast and became a casualty when it so happened that the giant docking ship anchored on the spot near his house. Two green pigs showed up at the door of the ship. They said they came in peace and wanted to show them their inventions that could make their lives easier.
The pigs were easily accepted in the Bird society. They held parties for them and lived with them. On the other hand, Red was still distrustful of the pigs, so they ought to find the Mighty Eagle to help them. They climbed mountains to get into the Mighty Eagle’s lair, only to realize that he was not as heroic-looking as they thought he could have been. The Mighty Eagle they were talking about was more egoistic.
Through the Mighty Eagle’s binoculars, Red discovered that the pigs were planting TNTs in the village. He commanded Chuck and Bomb to return to the village and warn the other birds, but their warnings fell on deaf ears. They tried to come after the pigs stealing their eggs, but the pigs severely outnumbered the birds. They even managed to extinguish Bomb from exploding.

credit: The Angry Birds Movie
The Rescue of the Eggs
The next morning, with their village plundered, the birds realized that Red was right and asked him to lead them to get their eggs back. Red instructed them to build a raft to travel to Piggy Island.
They saw that the pigs had a kingdom, with Leonard as the king. They realized that the eggs were at the centerpiece of the city and that the pigs were intending to eat the eggs.
They used the slingshot to infiltrate King Leonard’s castle. The first birds to be shot were not quite successful in getting into the castle. Their first breakthrough was when Red finally got inside. Chuck and Bomb also managed to get inside the castle. When it was Terrence’s turn to fling himself to the castle, the slingshot broke, leaving the birds virtually no means of launching themselves.
With the help of Mighty Eagle, the birds took back the eggs. However, one egg fell off, and Red came back for it. In a fight, the giant pot where the eggs were supposed to be boiled fell several levels of the castle. Now, the birds were in the pig’s explosives storage room. Red managed to trick Leonard that he was surrendering. However, he took a box of explosives off his feet, making him slide, and lose hold of the egg and the candle he was holding.
Red placed himself under where the pot was about to land, shielding him from the imminent explosion of the room, the castle, and the city.
The parents were safely reunited with their eggs, except for the blue-colored birds. However, they saw Red coming back from the rubble with the egg already hatched with three chicks. Leonard then vowed revenge.Leonard then vowed revenge.Leonard then vowed revenge.
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