American Idol Season 14 Episode 14 Review: “Showcase #2”

American Idol

We pick up right where we left off on Wednesday night’s American Idol, as the remainder of the top 24 get ready to be unleashed on America. Josh Sanders is the first to have his fate revealed, and at first glance I think that Bo Bice (aka Carrie Underwood’s Season 4 shadow) has returned to the show. He is the first of the night to face #FinalJudgment, and it’s not good news for him. (Dramatic hashtag much?) With only 24 spots to fill from 48 hopefuls, J.Lo warns us that “phenomenal singers are going home today.”

“Hollywood” Anderson has me pleading to my TV for him not to make the cut, and after he doesn’t, I experience a little bit of guilt. Call me Mariah Carey, because he’s got me feeling emotions. I think he handles his rejection with class, and it’s clear that he’s loved by those that surround him.

Joey Cook, who alternates performances between her trusty sidekicks, squeeze-box and ukulele, has me worried that if she makes the cut, she will experience a nervous breakdown of epic proportions. After the judges share with her the difficult task they have of comparing apples and oranges, Harry informs her that she is the rare kiwi of the bunch, and it’s a welcome change. Hopefully, there will be plenty of chill lozenges waiting in the wings for her when we hit the live shows.

Katherine Winston makes me think I am experiencing another American Idol blackout moment. Have we met her? Who is she, where did she come from, and what’s her story? I have no vivid memory of her, but it looks like I will have the chance to get to know her a little better, as she advances to the top 24.

Maddy Hudson who shined at her original audition, where she had J.Lo thinking she “could win the whole thing,” seems to have fizzled along the way. (I’m going to go ahead and put this out there and blame it on her poor choice in various lipsticks. Maybe she’s born with it? I don’t think so.) She was an early front-runner who seems to have had trouble transitioning from street performer to the big stage. Sadly, this is the end of the road for Maddy’s Idol dreams for this year.

Alexis Gomez, on the advice of the judges, harnesses her Hispanic culture and throws some Latin flavor into a song by The Band Perry. I don’t actually hablo myself, but it translates nicely and is a nice twist that works and nabs her a spot in the finals. Quentin Alexander, who could easily be the love child of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet, lands in the top 24, and I would very much like to see him in my top 12.

One year later, and Savion Wright finds himself in familiar territory. This is the same spot where the lights went out on his American Idol dreams last season. Luckily for him, the judges feel his time in the spotlight isn’t over yet this year.

It’s a sad no for Jaq McKenzie and Hunter Larson, the two female members of my favorite Hollywood group, “Team Dimples.” (Michael Simeon landed a top 24 spot last night, while Nick Fradiani awaits his final judgment.)

Mark Andrews has lost his beanie (and nearly his identity in my eyes) but not his talent, and the judges give him a spot. Trevor Douglas, the scientific teenager, will give the mathletes and nerd-bombers of America someone to root and vote for. I kind of enjoy him, too… even though in my world I’m cheer captain and he’s on the bleachers. (Totally kidding, I just always wanted to reference myself as a varsity cheerleader.)

The last member of “Team Dimples” is up, and the boys prove to be stronger than the girls, as Nick Fradiani will be singing for America’s vote alongside fellow dimple Michael. Fourth time is the charm for Sarina-Joi Crowe, who is in familiar territory as she’s made it this far the previous three seasons.

Qaasim Middleton has me wishing he won’t advance, for the simple fact I don’t like having to pause the DVR to spell-check his name each time. (That ‘Q’ should be married to a ‘u’ for anyone unfamiliar with the English language.) Also, his showcase performance kind of scared me a little. I think he and his momager would make for good reality TV on VH1 that I wouldn’t watch, but the judges see more in him than I do and send him through.

With only one spot left for the boys, it’s a battle between the teens Ricky Dale Hendricks and Riley Bria. I like Ricky better, but Riley has the better performance and stage presence. Riley rises above, and it’s curtains for Ricky. I could see Riley really growing on me, though. (I think he’s the one I called Macaulay Culkin back during his original audition? #KEVIN!)

For the ladies, it’s down to the final spot between Jelly Joseph and Shi (ugh!!!!). Big Red (that’s a nickname based on her hair, not her weight- so please don’t ambush me) has me convinced she gets the spot as I think back to the shadowy figure reveal of the top 24 in the first episode. I swear I remember that hair, and I am excited that this Jelly will roll on. Too bad for me, as my memory has failed me yet again- it’s a jam for Jelly and Shi grabs the final spot in all her sequined booty shorts glory.

We are left with the official introduction of the top 24, and while I don’t agree with probably half, I should be okay as long as the right half make it to the top 12. (For those still wondering, my heart is still on fire that there is no Adam Lasher to be seen.) Next week, the ball is in our court, America… and I want YOU to help me vote my favorites through! #rockthevote

[Photo via FOX]

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