Agents of SHIELD Review: “BOOM” Goes The Inhuman

Agents of SHIELD

Really, the entire series of Agents of SHIELDsave for a few bits here and there, has gotten progressively more exciting. The slow burn character relationships along with action and fast-paced plot twists. Because all of the other LMD’s were based on human beings, it stands to reason that Aida was too, and that combined with an exploding Inhuman made for an exciting episode of television.

This week on Agents of SHIELD: Coulson and Mack hunt down Agnes, the inspiration for Aida, in hopes that she will help them find Radcliffe. Radcliffe’s relationship with the Russians becomes strained. The Russians use Terrigen to try and ambush Senator Nadeer, but it backfires. Director Mace searches for his role within the team, as his super-human serum is becoming dangerous.

These stories seem like they would be humdrum on most shows, but SHIELD has its ways of making them exciting. The exploding Inhuman was the most exciting bad guy they’ve had on the show in some time. The team effort to stop and contain him reminded me of that fantastic train episode from Season 1. It was the entire team working toward a goal that required all their skills and prowess, and eventually contained the threat. Every minute was pulse pounding and exciting, and it proved to be a wonderful journey for Director Mace, too.  I have no idea what will happen next in the Nadeer/Russian/Inhuman saga, but I’m hyped up to see it.

Then there was Aida’s human counterpart, Agnes, who is Radcliffe’s dying ex. Radcliffe proved again in this episode that he’s not really a “bad guy”, he’s just seeking answers to his scientific questions motivated by love. The darkhold fully created the world in May’s mind, and now it’s allowing Agnes to just live there while Aida gets jealous out here. Aida, as I’ve believed all along, is the real villain in this story, and I’m terrified of her. That’s two for two on compelling villains played by Mallory Jansen. (RIP Galavant).

Here are a few other thoughts:

  • Could Radcliffe eventually use the Darkhold to connect May and Agnes’ consciousness with their LMD’s? So that instead of being replicas they could be replacements in the real world for someone, like Agnes, who is terminally ill? That thought just occurred to me and it would be really interesting to see how they extend life using that technology.
  • This exploding Inhuman guys…super fun. And, some of the best CGI that the show has ever used.
  • Show of hands on who is ready for Agent May to rejoin the team? *raises hand in solidarity*
  • Coulson’s increasing desperation to get May back and FitzSimmons are compelling enough reasons to watch this show. There were some great moments of both stories in “BOOM”.

Overall, I don’t know that SHIELD has done a more exciting episode in several seasons. It was focused, compelling, and addressed all of the stories within it with finesse and ease. Easily 5 stars.

What did you guys think? Did you enjoy the episode? Let us know!

Agents of SHIELD airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on ABC

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