Meet The Rihn Family From the Show “Pig Royalty”

Meet The Rihn Family From the Show “Pig Royalty”

The smell of pig excrement is not a problem Jodi Rihn. She calls it one of a kind, and she also says of pig poo, “It smells like money to us,” and she’s not wrong. She’s one of the new stars of the much-anticipated new show Pig Royalty airing on Discovery+, and she is not mad about her life. She and her family are in constant competition in the world of pigs with the Balero family, and they thrive on the competition. Their entire life revolves around pigs. Raising them, training them, showing them, and making money off of them. There’s a lot of money in pig competitions and her family is taking their talents to national television to show the world what it looks like to be pig royalty.

The Rihn Family

The Rihns are a family of five, but we don’t know much about dad. Mom is the woman in charge around here, and she takes her role as mom of the pig family very seriously. She works closely with her two daughters, Keylie and Kammi, to raise pigs and make money. She’s also in the midst of training her own son, Kannen, to help him win his first competition. It’s a family business, after all, and she’s out to be the number one pig family in the country.

Dad is Josh. Mom is Jodi, and the kids are their pride and joy – aside from the pigs, that is. This is one family who claims that they live, breathe, eat, and sleep pigs, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. They have an immense amount of respect for the sport, and they hope to bring some positive attention and awareness to what it means to do what they do.

This family is very close. They spent a lot of time together. They are best friends, and they work together. Eldest daughter Kammi is exceptionally proud of her family. Back in 2017, she took a piece of her brother’s artwork that he made for her and had it turned into a tattoo on her arm. He was shocked, surprised, and just so happy that she did something like that. She’s fairly active on social media, and many of her posts include photos of her family and the time she spends with them. There are many family photos, but she also spends a lot of time posting about her younger sister and her brother. She goes to their games, she cheers them on, and this is one family that clearly spends a lot of important time together.

Pigs are Everything to This Family

If there is one thing that is certain about the Rihn family, it’s that they are exceptionally into their pigs. This family often treats their own pigs better than they treat themselves, and they love them like they are pets. They know that their animals are not pets, but they also know that they have to do what they have to do to win. Jodi Rihn is fiercely competitive, and she and Michelle Balero – the mom from the other family prominently focused on the show – will go head to head more than once around here, and she’s not going to step down and let this other family win. They are two of the most prominent in the Texas pig world, and they will fight to the end.

Even when her kids are the ones showing their pigs, mom is all over it. She’s slightly obsessed with the pigs, and she’s very over-the-top when it comes to being a pig show mom. To put it in a way that many people might understand, she’s a mom who is cheering on her kids in their sport. Instead of being on the sidelines of a football game or watching her daughters play ball or cheer or dance and being a total stage mom, she’s a pig mom, and it’s basically all the same.

This Family Earns Big Money

Competition is fierce in the pig industry, and you just don’t always win. However, when they do win – and they do win a lot – it’s often worthwhile. It’s been said that they once earned $30,000 for one pig in one competition, which is the equivalent of a part-time job in one night. It’s a lot of money, and it explains why this world is so fraught with competition. It’s fierce, and these people and this family aren’t playing games when it comes to their pigs. It’s a livelihood, and the Rihn family will fight to win.

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