One thing you can’t call Kathy Griffin is shy. She’s been around for longer than many might realize and in that time she’s been just who she wants to be which in some cases is quite impressive. But upon seeing the positive aspect you also have to realize there’s something that a lot of people won’t like since she’s not the kind of person that’s going to cater to everyone. She’s been known to go off on a tangent about things or people that rub her the wrong way and won’t be apologetic about what she says in the least bit. Kathy has shown throughout the years that if she has something to say and you don’t want to hear it then it’s best to be somewhere else or go instantly deaf. Her style of humor has been quite biting in the past and there aren’t a lot of celebrities she’s interacted with that haven’t felt the sting of her words now and again. You either like her or don’t, but she doesn’t care either way a lot of the time unless it affects her career.
Here are a few things you might not have known about her.
10. She has a reputation for making fun of other celebrities.
Nothing is off limits with Kathy it seems since she’ll go for a person’s vulnerable points like a wolf going for someone’s neck, or she’ll attack their strengths as though wanting to see how they’ll hold up. Any and every way she can she goes at a person, seeking to find that one spot that will make the crowd laugh.
9. She’s had to deal with a rare condition that threatens her eyesight.
She has had surgery for this but there’s a likelihood that it could come back. Hopefully for her this last surgery will prove to be something that will last since losing your eyesight at any age is a scary proposition.
8. Kathy is adamant about not drinking alcohol.
It’s very easy to give her props for this since not drinking alcohol and being around those that do is something that a lot of people might have trouble with. But she’s remained as stoic as she possibly can and hasn’t touched a drop by her own admission.
7. If you couldn’t tell she’s not apologetic in any way about her comedy.
A lot of people don’t really apologize for the things they say and do on stage since it’s comedy and it’s not meant to be taken seriously. In fact in her entire career Kathy has only ever apologized twice, and she took the second one back despite the backlash that it was bound to cause.
6. You might have noticed that she HAD to apologize over her post concerning her holding a certain bloody item in a picture.
The bloody item was meant to be a depiction of a severed head made to look like the president and Kathy didn’t look like she was joking in the least bit. This picture divided a lot of people when it came to the severity of the reaction and Griffin was eventually brought to task for it. She was investigated by the FBI, put on a No Fly list, and had her life turned upside down even after she apologized and played the part of the victim for the media. That didn’t stop her from taking the apology back at one point though, but it did manage to rekindle the fire and send another wave of public opinion crashing down on her.
5. She’s been considered someone that is a great advocate for social change.
Those that hold Kathy in great esteem think that she’s been a person that has been seriously bucking for social change and also think that she’s one of the most outspoken individuals around when it comes to certain issues that she feels very strongly about.
4. Kathy has been heard to say that she’s proud of talking about people behind their backs.
This is kind of an odd statement that one might have to take at something other than face value since the act of talking behind someone’s back is usually considered to be kind of cowardly and not at all something that a person should be proud of. But then again she’s a comedian, so it could be said in jest.
3. She’s described her childhood as being the kid that needed to talk all the time.
This seems fairly obvious as she’s still the type of person that seems to need to talk and doesn’t want to stop talking until she’s had her say and possibly the final word.
2. At one time she had a binge eating disorder.
She’s got a handle on it at this point but she’s revealed that it was kind of an embarrassing thing and that she would hide the garbage from her binges in the neighbors’ trash can.
1. She developed a dislike for religion at a young age.
This had more to do with the treatment that she received from the nuns and the idea that the punishments that they dished out weren’t equal to whatever wrongs she’d done.
Like her or not, she does have a legacy that will hold up for a while.
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