The Three Best Male Characters on Days of Our Lives

The Three Best Male Characters on Days of Our Lives

We don’t like to play favorites, but it happens. Sometimes we just can’t help it when it comes to certain things, including the way we feel about our favorite Days of Our Lives characters. We don’t have any rhyme or reason as two why we love certain characters more than we love others because we just do. We also don’t have to feel that we need to justify our decisions. We just like some better than we like others, though we certainly don’t dislike everyone who isn’t on this list. We thought we might share with you our favorite characters from the show, and we want you to share your favorite male characters. Are we on the same page when it comes to figuring out who we love the most?

Rafe Hernandez

We can’t stop ourselves from loving him. He’s our favorite male character because he is so lovable. He’s kind and generous, he tends to do the right thing more often than not, and he’s strong. But he’s strong in a way that leaves him so likable and still a little vulnerable. He’s not a man who really rushes into anything, but he’s a man who does spend his time thinking of things that will make him feel better, do better, and be better. When he falls for someone, he falls hard. He does anything and everything he can to make that woman feel she is the most important person in the world, because he is a one woman kind of guy.
He is the kind of man who will do anything for anyone, though he is not keen on breaking the laws he stands so justly for. He will bend rules if he has no other choice, but he will not go above or beyond the law unless he feels he has no other option in terms of protecting those who mean the most to him. We love him for that one, and we won’t apologize for that one.

Steve Johnson

Okay, okay; we know he’s gone, but we do think he will be back. Writers will quickly realize that he is an asset to this show and has been for thirty years. He will be back, and that’s because he is one of the best characters ever on the show. He’s a bad guy who is such a good guy. He’s so matter-of-fact about the way things are done and the way they are. He knows that things are what they are for a reason, and he knows that there is not always any rhyme or reason for the way things go in his life. He’s someone who knows that he has to work with things the way he works with them, and he is aware that he has to make changes.

He will always fight for the people he loves, even if it means putting himself in the way of the law so that he can protect them. He’s been known to do things he doesn’t want to do and would never want to do because the consequences are too high for him, but he has to do them to protect his family. He’s a gem, and no one can take that from this show. He’s missed, and we do want him back.

John Black

He’s one of the best of the best. He’s been around for a long time. His character showed up as one man and then turned into another, and he’s been someone who has been around for a long time. He is one of our favorites because of his love with Marlena. They’ve spent so much of their time loving one another and being there for one another, and we’ve just spent that time watching their love grow into something really spectacular. We cannot help but feel that they are two of the best, and that’s what makes him one of the best.

He’s not always around because of his job and his situation in life, but he’s there when his kids and his wife need him. He’s also a man who will do anything and everything for the people he loves, and he somehow makes his role as a sometimes bad guy something so good that we cannot help but love him. He’s one of our all-time favorites because he’s so good at what he does. He’s been here since the mid-1980s, and there’s nothing that anyone can do that will send him into a place where we don’t like him or want him around. There’s little we can do to help him in his current situation, but we do think that things will always work out for him. He’s someone who will overcome all of this and it will work out for him in a way that makes his life much simpler and easier.

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