“Deadliest Catch: Dungeon Cove” Fisherman Sued for Negligence

“Deadliest Catch: Dungeon Cove” Fisherman Sued for Negligence

If you’ve been keeping up with the Discovery Channels Deadliest Catch: Dungeon Cove, you may have heard that fisherman Gary “The Ripper” Ripka is involved in a lawsuit. The complainant is Nolan Dean, a man who worked for Mr. Ripka. He was injured on Mr. Ripka’s ship, the Western Breeze, during his time as a sailor under Mr. Ripka’s command. Mr. Dean is suing for damages, blaming negligent behavior for his unfortunate accident on the ship.

How it Went Down

While Gary Ripka refuses to provide details on the case, the contents of Mr. Dean’s complaint against him have been made public. Apparently, Nolan Dean was working in the back of the ship, doing his job as he had been trained to do it. When Mr. Ripka activated a certain hydraulic control, Mr. Dean’s arms got caught in an attached line. This resulted in him being hoisted over the deck, breaking multiple bones in his arm in the process.

The Lawsuit

The basis of Nolan Dean’s lawsuit is that he has suffered pain and anguish, as well as future wage loss, due to the negligence of his employer. Another aspect of the lawsuit is the claim that Mr. Ripka did not provide him with proper training to avoid injury. In addition, Mr. Dean suggests that the hydraulic equipment that resulted in his injuries was not used in the correct manner by Mr. Ripka. Joe Stacey, Mr. Dean’s lawyer, asserts that his client’s injuries have resulted in a permanent disability. No specific amount of money has been asked for in the complaint. It is also interesting to note that Nolan Dean’s medical expenses have already been paid for by the insurance carried by Mr. Ripka.

Gary Ripka’s Response

Gary Ripka has likely been warned to not discuss case details with the press by his lawyer. However, he does make the assertion that his fishing operation is reputable, with a long history of successful expeditions. In fact, he claims that it is common knowledge in the fishing community that the Western Breeze is a safe ship, stating that, “guys have no problem coming on our boat because they know it’s safe”. Mr. Ripka also points to his own health as an indicator of the experience he brings to the operation. He has been fishing for crab for 37 years, yet has only been injured once. When he was 12 years old, he broke a finger. Yet he has not been injured since. Another point that Gary Ripka makes is that his ship, himself, and his crew were thoroughly investigated by the Discovery Channel (and Original Productions). They ensured that each of his ships was seaworthy, compared his credentials with the appropriate records, and checked that his crew had received all necessary training.


In a case like this, it’s not possible to draw conclusions until all of the details have been examined in a court of law. Simply basing your opinion on hearsay could lead to a very wrong impression of the nature of the case. In this particular scenario, Ripka seems to be a trustworthy individual. However, there is really no reason to doubt Nolan Dean’s story either.

We will just have to wait and see what will happen in court.

But first, what do you think? Is Gary “The Ripper” Ripka guilty of negligence? Or is Nolan Dean after something else? Let us know in the comments below!

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