Quantico is a drama thriller centered around a FBI recruit named Alex Parrish. The first season focused on her efforts to clear her name when she is suspected of masterminding an act of terrorism against Grand Central Terminal, while the second season focused on her efforts to find a rogue faction inside the CIA. For the most part, Quantico is much as what most people would expect upon reading its description, but it is interesting to note that it made a curious choice to tell its narrative through scenes set in both the past and the present until the mid-point of Season 2, which was something that generated interest while also drawing in criticism. Whatever the case, Quantico proved to be popular enough that a Season 3 has been announced, which should come as welcome news for those who found it to be worth their time.
What Do We Know about Season 3 of Quantico?
Much remains unsaid about Season 3 of Quantico, but at the same time, much has been revealed. For example, interested individuals should know that the show-runner Josh Safran will no longer be the show-runner as of Season 3. Considering that he was not just the show-runner but also the creator of the series, it is not unreasonable to expect that future episodes will see a change of some sort, though it is difficult to say what that change might look like. In Safran’s place will be Michael Seitzman, who will be pulling double-duty as the show-runner for both Quantico and Code Black, which are both heading into their third season. Given this demand on a show-runner’s time, people can be forgiven for interpreting this as potential cause for concern.
Cast-wise, there have been a number of changes as well. For example, two of its cast members have announced that they are leaving the series so far. The first was Yasmine Al Massri, who played a pair of twins named Nimah and Raina who have been with the series since Season 1, while the the second was Pearl Thusi, who played the lawyer Davana Mampasi who joined the series in Season 2. The reason for their departure has not been revealed, but some people have speculated that it might be because of creative changes that are intended to revive the series’s numbers after they sagged in Season 2. Meanwhile, a couple of additions to the cast have been announced as well, with one being Marlee Matlin who will be playing an ex-FBI agent named Jocelyn Turner and the other being Alan Powell in the role of Mike McQuigg, someone who has gone undercover in a white supremacist organization that is plotting an act of bio-terrorism.
Further Considerations
Summed up, interested individuals can expect Season 3 of Quantico to have some noticeable changes compared to the previous seasons. However, it remains to be seen whether these changes will produce the desired effect in the viewers. For that matter, it remains to be seen when Season 3 of Quantico will be released, though as time continues to pass, more news on the matter is bound to come out. As a result, interested individuals should remain vigilant for further information.
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