The Brutally Honest Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator 2 Interview

The Brutally Honest Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator 2 Interview

The release of Terminator 2 in 1991 was one of those movie moments that instantly shifted the entire landscape of the film industry going forward. The storyline, the acting, the directing, and most of all the special effects are still breathtaking and groundbreaking over 25 years later. Sure, Terminator 2 was a sequel, and they say that the sequel is never better than the original. Well… It’s safe to say they were wrong in this circumstance.  T2 single-handedly solidified the franchise and made movie history on more than a few fronts.

Since then there has been a Terminator TV Show and a number more movies added to the collection. With all of these great things, it’s shocking that the star of the film Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that he wasn’t 100% sold on the film and behind the scenes, there were some difficulties.

The role of the Terminator is Arnold Schwarzenegger most iconic role. In fact, I think we all probably get a brief vision of him in our minds when someone utters the phrase “I’ll be back.” But that doesn’t mean that he had as good of a time filming the movie as we did watching it. In what many people would label one of the most brutally honest interviews a film star has ever given about a blockbuster film they appeared in Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that at times it was hard to work with the film’s legendary director James Cameron.

Here’s what Arnold had to say:

“James Cameron is one person before the movie starts and another person when the movie begins. And he is sometimes unrecognizable because he locks into kind of a mode… Like a machine and he clicks into that, and he only sees the movie. Which is a strong asset to have this kind of a strong vision and determination and passion and talent. But… Don’t get in his f***ing way.”

Arnold goes on to say that although it’s difficult at times on the actors and other crews members, he would do a movie with Cameron anytime under those same circumstances because he shows great leadership and vision for what the final version of the film should look like.

Arnold also revealed several other things about the film including that he nearly turned down the role when the movie studio revealed to him that The Terminator would be a good guy in the movie.

“I said that’s bull***t. That’s not going to work.” Arnold said.

Arnold thought the film should be similar to the first Terminator movie just bigger. He changed his mind when James Cameron sat down with him and explained the vision for the film in greater detail.

“I said wow. That is a really new twist, a new spin. I love that.”

Let’s all be glad that Arnold eventually understood the direction of the movie and signed on because the Terminator 2 is one of the best sci-fi/action movies ever created. Arnold had a lot more to say about Terminator 2 and the creation of the movie in this exclusive interview. And trust me, he held back no punches. This no holds barred sit down is definitely worth watching.

Check it out below

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