Guy Names His Softball Team The ‘Crying Jordans’ With Uniforms to Boot

Guy Names His Softball Team The ‘Crying Jordans’ With Uniforms to Boot

There’s always that one team in your fantasy league who has a great team name.  It’s one of those names where you think to yourself, “why couldn’t I think of that?”  Just enough wit.  Just enough subtlety.  Just enough everything where all the guys in the league are jealous of the team name.  Now, I’m not saying that the name “Crying Jordans” is special or even creative for that matter.  But I will say that when you take it to the step that one man did, it’s pretty special.

Brian Havrilla, a Clevelander, named his softball team the Crying Jordan’s. The apostrophe is a little confusing (and completely unnecessary), but he gets points for taking the extra step with the uniforms.

I find it kind of funny (and sad) that what gets attention just as much as being the greatest basketball player that ever lived is a meme of said player crying that gets brought up ANY time someone in sports has a moment where crying should or may happen.   There’s no chance Michael Jordan is even remotely happy about it.

In fact I think he should franchise the meme or do something with intellectual property with that meme so he can license it out and make money.  In the meantime, these uniforms rock.

H/T – Brobible

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