If you happen to get attacked by an alligator there’s a difference of opinion on whether or not you should run in a zig zag motion or if you should bolt in a straight line. If you see a shark coming towards you and there’s virtually no way out of it, experts say you’re supposed to smash the shark’s nose area has hard as you can. Get into a tiff with a grizzly bear? Just stay calm and all will be right in the world. These are some real life tips should you encounter a fairly large animal. But what if you’re facing something the size of a Godzilla?
How do you take on giant monsters and actually live? Well, according to the movies it’s actually much easier than you think. The folks at Fandango put together this handy video that explains exactly what you should do if you encounter a gigantic beast that wants nothing but to rip you to shreds.
Hint: you need to have a car handy, be incredibly brave and knowing first-aid will definitely be a big factor in your success.
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