There’s a Facebook page out there created by a buddy of mine called “Karate Kid III” and it’s just so up my alley. There are only 359 fans of it so far but let’s hope that count rises as I start posting their material. As many of you know Karate Kid III is far and away the worst Karate Kid in terms of cinematic quality. We’re not going into The Next Karate Kid with Hilary Swank. That doesn’t count. Anyway, despite how horrifically bad the third installment is, the unintentional comedy in that movie is absolutely off the charts. We all know John Kreese already but Terry Silver may go down as one of the greatest villains of all time.
Anyway, today the page came up with an awesome question about Daniel and here it is:
Early in the film, you decide to surprise Mr Miyagi with a gift: a lease on a building in which to house his new bonsai store, for which you have fronted the dough for “one month’s security, two month’s rent”. Aside from the absurdity of gifting someone a year-long debt, we have more puzzling matters to address.
As a 17 year old character in the film, how did you convince the folks at Century 21 to let you sign this lease? Furthermore, how in the hell did you finagle a lease in which you sign over the obligation to Miyagi??? Surely, he would have to be there in person to say “yes, I will dutifully pay the remaining 10 months of rent obligation on this ramshackle hell hole.” Finally, how did you get a lease without showing any income? Surely, your entire life assets of a fancy automobile, $2500 cash in your pocket, and a plastic karate trophy weren’t enough. Maybe it’s shoddy real estate practices such as this that led to the collapse in 2008.
Great point guys.
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