The Real Housewives of Atlanta 5.08 Recap: Kenya Meets Karma

The Real Housewives of Atlanta 5.08 Recap Last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta was appropriately titled, “Fools of Engagement,” and if I had to guess, I would peg Kenya Moore as one of said “fools” from the episode by her actions alone. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: karma stinks and she takes no prisoners. This week the episode picked up right where we left off after Kenya spun away like a crazed ballerina who missed her curtain call. The entire episode could have been called The Kenya Moore Hour, with only a few moments dedicated to matters which didn’t directly involve the former Miss USA winner.

After Kenya left, the women analyzed the craziness that just transpired, with NeNe declaring that she had finally seen the Kenya everyone had been talking about and she wasn’t impressed. Cynthia, while still feeling lukewarm towards Kenya, actually felt some of the adjectives Porsha was hurling would make anyone ready to fight, whether they were sane or not. The next morning before everyone went out to enjoy their last day in Anguilla, Kenya called a “girl’s meeting” to openly apologize to Porsha for the night before, but most of the women felt that Kenya’s expression of regret was anything but.

Later while the group were having lunch, Kenya felt it was appropriate to give Cynthia a gift in the form of Vanessa William’s latest book, which was to teach the Bailey Agency creator a thing or two about the popular actress being the first black Miss USA. In other words, it was a clear and uncalled for ‘dig’ towards Cynthia that threw off everyone at the table. Clearly, Kenya either didn’t get the memo that Cynthia was reading her at NeNe’s successful ladies luncheon, or she got the memo and didn’t set her timer to retaliate properly. Either way, Cynthia wasn’t having it.

Pulling the wayward soul aside, Cynthia tried to reason with Kenya on where they got off on the wrong foot during the JET casting call in the season premiere. Kenya explained where she was coming from with her harsh criticisms and how some of the girls she chastised that day called Kenya to personally thank her. Cynthia countered with the other women who didn’t feel Kenya was being genuine called her to say just how embarrassed they were. The conversation then became one-sided as Kenya became a belligerent loony wanting to bury the entire incident, even doing as much as falling on the beach and covering herself with sand. I re-winded the scene five times to make sure my eyes didn’t clock out on me for a minute, but yea that happened.

Finally we get to the end of the episode where Kenya really started to apply pressure on Walter to propose to her. In fact, the apology to Porsha was to clear the air so when Walter did propose, there wouldn’t be any bad mojo in the air. Unfortunately, Kenya had already let the Karma beast out of the bag and it wasn’t leaving until it took a huge chomp off her ass. First, Walter was acting like a real ass for no reason whatsoever, and everyone could see this at the table.

Next, Peter took it upon himself to make a toast and put the spotlight on Walter having by the end of the night to make the proposal, thanks to the whisperings of a ‘little birdy.’ Walter, seeing that he was put on the spot, clarified what he told Kenya three days prior, which did seem like a promise for a proposal, but not exactly. He told everyone at the table, and Kenya, that if a proposal was coming it would be on his own time. Not Kenya’s. CHOMP! Karma struck and left Kenya looking like a fool, especially after each couple at the table (sans Kandi and Tod) each described how they proposed/were proposed to. This caused Kenya to “lose her appetite” and leave the table.

After Kenya left, Walter followed to see what the problem was, as if he didn’t have a clue. Kenya explained to Mr. Jackson how she had expected him to drop on that knee and make the proposal by the end of the trip. Walter countered her argument by declaring that he wasn’t about to be pressured in making such a huge move on someone else’s terms. I forgot to mention how Walter’s voice rose to a level of disrespect in Kenya’s eyes. Next, she stormed off again once Walter pretty much told her to not come at him with an attitude, because she can’t get what she wants. CHOMP! CHOMP!

While Kenya ran into the nearby foliage to cry her eyes out, Walter returned to the table where he explained to the group how he did tell Kenya that they could get married on the beaches of Anguilla, but not exactly that particular weekend. It still sounded as if he was leading Kenya on, but I will get to why that’s irrelevent in just a second. Phaedra and Apollo went to comfort Kenya, and the two explained to Kenya what everyone had been thinking from day one: you can’t make a man marry you if he doesn’t want to and if he does, you have to give him time to do just that. Common sense, anyone?

Now, we all know why the Kenya/Walter portion of the episode is irrelevant. So instead of beating a dead horse, I’m going to reiterate just how much Kenya shot herself in the foot by concocting this fable of a relationship gone wrong for the cameras. The “will he or won’t he?” story felt like filler, with absolutely no emotional connection with this viewer (nor many others) at all. However, Andy Cohen did say on a recent Bravo vlog that things are not what they seem with the behind-the-scenes drama we’ve come to read about in the blogs as of late, so I’m most definitely interested in hearing what that’s about.

Other Mentions

– NeNe coming to Kandi to talk woman to woman about their past disagreements. The Real Housewives of Atlanta 5.08 RecapSimply put, the converstaion was needed and it was handled very well, which Kandi had already hinted on in various interviews and blogs. Now let’s pray that the two stick to their words and make nice.

– NeNe and Greg should have went found a chapel and tied the knot again and stop playing around. They know they are meant for each other.

– The “How Did You Propose to ___?” scene was informative, yet did anyone else catch how Apollo’s proposal story was met with whimsical music in the background?

So what did you think of last night’s episode?

Photo Credit: Bravo,

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