5 Things That You Didn’t Know About Tony Plana

5 Things That You Didn’t Know About Tony Plana

If you are an avid television watcher and have a bent toward sitcom type shows, then you are most likely aware of the fact that sitcom is evolving into somewhat of a hybrid. Many network producers are learning that the combination of certain types of comedy infused into serious dramas has a peculiar sense of appeal to many viewers. So when there is a pure sitcom that garners attention, true comedy fans take notice. That was the case for the series, Ugly Betty. One actor who was discovered by an entirely new fan base on this show was a veteran actor, Tony Plana.

While Plana was well established long before taking his role on Ugly Betty, he did find a new fan base through his ability to engage comedy at the same level he had mastered more serious roles. Following are five facts you didn’t know about this talented actor.

1. He Was Sued by His Agent

Normally when you hear about legal battles between agents and those they represent, it is often the other way around. Normally some celebrity or athlete is suing their agent because of some type of deception or misrepresentation, but in this case, Tony Plana’s agent sued him for at least $500,000 for money that she said she was owed from his salary associated with the Ugly Betty Series. It is not known what the final disposition of the case is, but it is likely that the actor will be more cautious moving forward.

2. He Was Born in Cuba

There is no shortage of Cuban immigrants in the United States, with the rules of asylum applying to those who can successfully navigate their way to the United States. Tony was actually born in Cuba in 1953 and he would not move to the U.S. until his family came in 1960. While he was only seven when he arrived in the U.S. it seems that Tony had a lucid understanding of the opportunities that were within his grasp and he would not allow them to slip through his fingers.

3. He Attended Loyola Marymount University

Due to the fact that education was stressed in Tony’s family, he would push himself to excel in school – leading to an impressive academic career. He would enroll in Loyola Marymount in order to complete in undergraduate work, but he inner drive would not stop there. Being unable to resist his passion to act, he would travel half-way around the world to be formally trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, England.

4. His Filmography is Beyond Impressive

For those who only discovered this remarkably talented actor in his role as Betty’s father on Ugly Betty, you have missed a remarkable career. Plana has starred in multitudinous films, including An Officer and A Gentlemen, Born in East L.A., Miami Vice, One Eight Seven and more. However, my most memorable role was in the film Half Past Dead starring opposite Steven Segal, Morris Chestnut and Nia Peeples.

5. He is Heavily Active in the Community

One thing that sits some celebrities apart from the majority is the ability and willingness to use the platform they have to influence social, financial and political reform. Plana is currently volunteering his time and energy to push for immigration reform. This should be easy to understand when you are aware of his own background. He has identified the passion outside of his vocation and he is investing himself into that passion.

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