credit: Underwater
One of the more noticeable elements of horror movies that help to set the pace and the tone is the location where the story takes place. The right location can increase the level of terror that the audience will feel in a number of ways since isolation, desperation, and frustration with limited options can create a sense of urgency that can cause the pulse to quicken as people wonder how the protagonists will escape or survive. The environment that a protagonist finds themselves in when it comes to a horror movie will typically favor the villain, as should be guessed since, quite often, the heroes and victims will end up wandering into the said environment by accident or with a purpose that will be opposed by the villain. Quite often, it would appear that people don’t give enough thought to the setting of a horror movie or are encouraged to become unsettled by the environment, creating a lack of response or one that is hyper-aware and thereby lessens the impact of the antagonist. If not for the setting, many horror movies would rely heavily upon the skills of the actors, and sadly, when it comes to horror, it’s not always a good idea to rely heavily on dialogue and acting skills.
Here are five of the scariest locations to film a horror movie.
5. Forests

credit: Wrong Turn
The fact is that some people are easily scared by one location or another, but others might not be affected in such an obvious way. The deep woods that still exist in many locations throughout the world are often described as majestic, beautiful, and awe-inspiring, but many people quickly change their minds if they find themselves among the woods rather than at a safe distance, especially at night. The deep woods are still wild, and horror movies make this very evident as various creatures are on the move, both day and night, and the sounds they create tend to freak out even the most stoic of individuals. Plus, the ability to use the shadows and unknown areas in the woods can easily create a sense of urgency and irrational fear in the audience that creates a perfect, fertile setting for a horror movie.
4. Mansions

credit: Crimson Peak
The average haunted mansion is something that’s been present since cinema first came to be, as the legends behind haunted mansions have persisted since they were first written in one tale or another. As a classic horror setting, the average haunted mansion is perfect since there are typically many rooms, many hidden corners, the possibility of hidden passages, and the idea that something terrible happened within the home long ago that has been left unresolved. The heavy use of shadow and various perspectives can create a sense of dread that is automatic in some movies but gradually builds in others. As far as horror movies go, this type of setting is kind of a gimme, but when trying to raise the bar, it does present a huge advantage for those who are interested in scaring people.
3. Deserts

credit: The Mummy
It might be a little confusing as to why a desert would be great for a horror movie, and that’s fair. But in terms of a supernatural villain, this is one of the more interesting settings to use for a horror movie. Not only is a desert an isolated location, but unless one knows how to survive, it’s one of the most inhospitable locations in the world for human beings. There are numerous threats that can be presented in a desert setting, especially those that come in form of humans that have adapted to such an environment and know how to thrive over generations. Simply trying to survive the elements is bad enough, but having to worry about others that might mean bringing harm to an antagonist only makes this set even more unnerving.
2. The ocean

credit: The Meg
There are quite a few people that are terrified to be on the open water since the truth is that humans aren’t adapted to live on or even within the ocean without a great deal of aid. Our swimming abilities aren’t anywhere near the level of the natural inhabitants. We have no scales, fins, or other appendages that facilitate quick movement and are easy prey for any predator that comes along. Not only that, but the fury of the sea that is on full display when a storm hits deep waters is something to marvel at since it reminds humanity just how small they really are. In many ways, this type of setting can be majestic, but it holds a great deal of terror for many as well.
1. A burial ground

credit: Pet Sematary
There are a few reasons that a cemetery or a graveyard (whatever a person likes to call it) feels like it would be a terrifying place for a movie to be set in, and there’s likely a reason why not many movies make use of cemeteries for more than a few scenes at best. Many would no doubt agree that there needs to be a healthy respect for the dead, especially with the many legends and tales that have been allowed to circulate over the years. A graveyard setting with billowing fog on a dark, chilly night is a great setting for a horror movie since even the mention might make some people shake.
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