4 Best Sherlock Holmes Movies and TV Shows

Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous fictional characters for book readers and, most recently, entertainment lovers, with a sprinkle of movies and TV shows constantly popping up every couple of years. Holmes is a socially awkward but intelligent detective in Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels written between 1887 and 1915. Over the years, several celebrities have played Holmes, from Benedict Cumberbatch and Henry Cavill to Johnny Lee Miller and Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jr. 

All these adaptations, while similar, have unique differences that make watching them a new experience despite knowing what to expect. These different takes of the iconic character keep fans hooked on the story of the detective who loves spending his time beekeeping when he isn’t busy solving murders during the day. Before the upcoming Max spinoff series from Guy Ritchie’s successful movies starring Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, here are some of the best TV shows and films about the detective!

1. BBC Sherlock (2010-2017)

Sherlock Season 5

BBC’s Sherlock is one of the most popular adaptations of Detective Holmes, which aired in 2010. This modern adaptation of Holmes, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, is set in London. Sherlock works as a consultant at Scotland Yard and meets Dr. Watson, played by Martin Freeman when looking for a roommate. One of the most intriguing aspects of this adaptation is that Sherlock is portrayed as a high-functioning sociopath and doesn’t bother hiding it. It differs from other adaptations that portray Holmes as primarily calm and collected. It is one of the more accurate adaptations of Doyle’s character, with one exception: Dr Watson isn’t just Holmes’ number two but also an apt detective himself. This series helped launch the careers of Cumberbatch and Freeman but ended way too soon. 

2. Elementary (2012-2019)

4 Best Sherlock Holmes Movies and TV Shows

Another Sherlock Holmes adaptation that does an excellent job of creating a Watson who isn’t just Holmes’ devoted assistant is Elementary. The American series follows Holmes, who leaves London and his career at Scotland Yard after losing the love of his life and falling into heroin addiction. Lee Miller plays Holmes, while Charlie’s Angels, Lucy Liu plays Watson. Instead of being a former doctor in the army, Liu’s Watson is a retired surgeon who leaves the job after losing a patient and getting her medical licence revoked. They end up working with the NYPD, but Holmes still has the same characteristics as the iconic detective: he loves beekeeping, doesn’t have boundaries with other people’s personal lives, and is more intelligent than almost everyone.

He goes to great lengths to overcome his addiction, which makes Holmes more human in this adaptation. Fans see more of Holmes’s humanity as he interacts with characters like Moriarty, like Lestrade and Mycroft. Having a female version of Watson in Elementary and their sponsor-addict relationship allows this series to stand out among the several adaptations of the iconic character. And unlike what fans would expect of a male and female lead, their relationship is platonic, which is refreshing, instead of having a romantic relationship that could ruin their work together. 

3. Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes Franchise

Sherlock Holmes

In Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes (2009) and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011), Robert Downey Jr plays a more edgy detective whose power lies in his detecting skills and ability to fight when the moment arises. While some fans found it out of character for Holmes, in Doyle’s books, Holmes is described as a trained boxer who engages in several fights in the novels. Downey brings a sophisticated and charismatic Sherlock to the big screen, which is characteristic of his natural persona that he effortlessly brings to several of his acting roles.

While he has good intentions, Holmes still manages to offend people with his words and how he carries on while doing his detective work. These films are bold and fun, and One of the highlights of these movies is Watson, played by Jude Law, a more action-centred character whose friendship with Holmes provides some good entertainment. Holmes and Law’s Watson are an iconic duo, making it even sadder that there isn’t a Sherlock Holmes 3 yet. However, as luck would have it, there could be a spinoff of Ritchie’s movies in the works on Max. 

4. Netflix’s Enola Holmes Movies

4 Best Sherlock Holmes Movies and TV Shows

Enola Holmes might not be the most faithful adaptation of Holmes, but it has some perfect moments that appeal to detective fans. In this Netflix adaptation, Millie Bobby Brown plays Sherlock Holmes’ teenage sister, and Holmes is just a supporting character. The former Man of Steel actor Henry Cavill plays Holmes. While Cavill appears briefly in both films, he is a very different Holmes than what fans are used to seeing. Yet he still manages to capture certain personality traits of Sherlock Holmes that viewers might have forgotten about. 

Cavill’s Holmes is much warmer and caring to his younger sister, which is much different from the colder Holmes in shows like BBC’s Sherlock. With Enola being part of his world, it’s evident that the Holmes in this universe will behave very differently. But fans love Cavill’s portrayal of the detective and with Enola Holmes 3 in production, this isn’t the last time he will be portraying the detective. Here are 3 reasons why Sherlock Holmes’ spinoffs keep fans intrigued!

Watch Enola Holmes on Netflix

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