24: Legacy and the Assumption that Shows Aren’t on TV Anymore

24: Legacy and the Assumption that Shows Aren’t on TV Anymore

24: Legacy and the Assumption that Shows Aren’t on TV Anymore

I had absolutely no clue that 24: Legacy had its finale last night.    The reason is because I had no idea the show was even still on.  I think in the back of my mind I knew that the series wasn’t cancelled and that it was on somewhere, at some time, on some channel, but it’s one of those strange phenomenons that happens with shows you don’t watch.  If you’re not religiously watching a show, in the back of your mind you just assume no one else is really watching it either.   When that happens you forget about the show and then when you hear about it again you think to yourself, “that show is still on?”

I’ll never forget being all pumped up for 24: Legacy because it got so much hype before and during the Super Bowl.  Not to mention it aired right after the Super Bowl.  I gave the show all of five minutes before my food coma and eventual adrenaline low of the game put me right to bed.  What happened after that?  I never watched it again.

From what I hear it wasn’t all that great this year and outlets are saying that the finale last night fell flat.  But honestly I’m not here to bash the show because I haven’t seen it.  I’m just bringing up that strange phenomenon that happens when you stop following a show.

Let’s carry on.  Thanks.

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