Some people would probably laugh at this match since there’s a good reason for doing so. Scorpion from Mortal Kombat is one of the deadliest fighters in the game and has control of hellfire that could easily scour Wolverine to the bone, and his fighting skills are great enough that Logan would find himself hard-pressed for a good deal of the fight. But where folks might need to be set straight is that the claw-sporting mutant isn’t that weak, nor is he bound to go down that easily. His healing factor, which has been surpassed by a couple of characters over the years, is still one of the best in all of Marvel, in all of comics really, and has saved him more times than a person can easily count. It’s also managed to increase in strength over time, even though the movie Logan saw it starting to fail him as years of adamantium poisoning from within finally took their toll. But in a death match between Wolverine and Scorpion, it feels fair to say that Logan’s healing ability would be at its peak to make things as even as possible.
One thing that’s been a point of confusion throughout Logan’s time in the comics and the movies is that the character is skilled in at least 15 different forms of martial arts, and yet rarely is it seen that these are ever used in live-action or the animated representations. It’s well-known that Scorpion is highly-skilled as well, but given the nature of the game he’s in, every representation, be it in the video game or otherwise, it’s been seen that he utilizes his skills quite easily and with no hesitation. It would be nice to see Wolverine tap into his many years of knowledge rather than rely so heavily on his berserker rage that he’s seen to enter so often.
Granted, that rage does wonders for him when he’s up against an opponent that doesn’t know how to deal with it, but when pitted against someone like Scorpion the only way this would work is because Scorpion has very limited knowledge of Wolverine or the fact that he has an adamantium skeleton that prevents him from suffering numerous damaging attacks, not to mention several fatalities. The use of his hellfire and teleporting attacks would be of great advantage in this fight since Scorpion is great at striking and fading way and then blitzing his opponents. But against someone that can heal the damage inflicted upon him almost as quickly as it’s dealt, sometimes, Wolverine is not the type of opponent that is subject to a hit-and-run attack that would leave him as easy prey to be finished off moments later. If one doesn’t kill Wolverine right away, or completely obliterate him, then he’ll get up and finish the fight. Plus, as I mentioned, Wolverine’s healing ability has been ramped up so many times that instantaneous healing would be occurring throughout the fight. Burning out his healing ability has happened in the past, but it’s not something that Scorpion would be able to do since like it or not, Logan’s body is constantly seeking to heal itself.
The fact that Scorpion, as a spirit inhabiting a flesh and blood body, can feel pain is one of his downfalls since Wolverine knows what pain is like and has endured enough in his life to understand that pain is inescapable. This is a character that can endure the type of pain that would drive other people to insanity, as he’s suffered everything from being impaled multiple times to an atomic bomb being dropped close enough that his skin was flayed from his body due to the heat. He’s been reduced to a skeleton and survived since a drop of blood is enough for his body to continue healing. Of course, it does feel that it would take longer than a couple of minutes for him to heal and regenerate, but as a fictional character, he’s going to heal as fast as the writers need him to. For this fight, it’s fair to say that Scorpion doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, and wouldn’t understand why Wolverine is the type that won’t stay down.
This fight could go back and forth to be fair, but the element of surprise would be Wolverine’s since he’s fought such opponents as Scorpion in the past. He’s taken on ninjas, supernatural beings, extraterrestrial beings, and just about anything and everything in between. While Logan might not be the most powerful figure in Marvel comics, he’s one of the most seasoned. It’s not hard to think that he would carry this fight and eventually end Scorpion when the undead ninja failed to find a way to put Logan down for good. There are scenarios in which Scorpion would win, but Wolverine would no doubt prove to be the victor more often than not.
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