Is Mr. & Mrs. Smith Coming Back for Season 2?

Mr & Mrs Smith Season 2 is likely because of how successful the first season was. Remakes are the hottest commodity right now, and with Twilight and Harry Potter in the works, it isn’t a surprise that the iconic 2005 film of the same name that brought Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt together got the same treatment. The remake is worth a watch, with Atlanta creator Donald Glover and Francesca Sloane creating the Prime Video series. Like the movie, the series follows spies Jane and John on secret missions before they turn against each other.

The spy American TV series starring Glover and Maya Erskine is entertaining, ranking as one of Amazon’s top five new series debuts. And it’s well deserved because while all the episodes were released at once, it only made fans more appreciative of the action, drama, and thrill in the series’ storytelling. While the numbers aren’t out, fans enjoyed the first season, and a Mr & Mrs Smith Season 2 could be announced anytime soon.

Mr & Mrs Smith Already Has a Plot for Season 2

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

According to producer and co-creator Sloane, there is already an idea for the storyline for Mr.& Mrs Smith Season 2 because they created a complete story for the first season. During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Sloane said, “I think that there’s definitely a lot more story to tell here,” she tells EW. “And I think we feel like this is a delightful story if it were to just live on its own. But it has more legs to keep going, that’s for sure.

The warm reception this series got in the weeks after its release made fans eager to see more of this spy world. Whether Glover and Sloane return to play the Smiths again or the story will follow a new couple, viewers will be seated and ready for what’s next. In an interview with Collider, Sloane said “Donald and I are in the business of trying to beat ourselves, so if we were to do a Season 2, we would wanna make sure that we could surpass and beat Season 1, and I think we have a cool idea for it.” So it’s safe to say that Glover will be back for the next season if it’s ever made. 

The Finale Easily Sets up Mr & Mrs Smith Season 2

Donald Glover in Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr.& Mrs Smith’s Season 1 finale was a shootout finale to be remembered. It easily sets up a second season that the writers and creators can build off of. After separating for a while, John and Jane get back together for what seems like a goodbye, but they’ve both been tasked with getting rid of the other. Their meeting leads to close to half an hour of fights and shooting as they try to kill each other. After taking the truth serum, they realise that they really love each other, but this is around the time the other Smiths come to kill them both. The series ends with their beautiful home in ruins, John bleeding out, and Jane facing off against the other Jane with just one bullet left. Because viewers didn’t get to see the bodies, it could be likely that John and Jane are still alive, meaning there is still hope that they could return for a second season.

Sloane is also very proud of the ending, saying that whether or not viewers have watched the original film, it was fitting to finish the action comedy on a glorious high note full of chaos, drama, and truth bombs. In her interview with Entertainment Weekly, Sloane talks about the ending saying, “I feel like we’ve earned the finale in terms of its gloriousness, but I also feel like people who have never even heard of the original IP of Mr. & Mrs. Smith will watch that and feel like it is a well-rounded, exciting, shoot-’em-up romance with an exciting ending. And I think that the ending is something that will have a lot of people talking“. If a second season is confirmed, fans will probably learn more about the secret organization, the Smiths’ unquestioning loyalty to them, and what all these missions are for. The first season did a lot of groundwork for a second season to build on. Here is why Mr & Mrs Smith is unique, according to Donald Glover. 

Watch Mr. & Mrs Smith Season 1 on Prime Video

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