Whatever Happened to Joanne Whalley?

Remember who Joanne Whalley is? Then you were probably a fan of the popular fantasy film from the late 80s, Willow. Even more, she was married to her Willow costar, Val Kilmer, until some time in 1995. Regardless, she’s one of those faces you can’t forget because she’s been in the Hollywood scene for a minute now.

It’s interesting to see her evolution as an actress from her A Kind of Loving days to the star who played Maggie in Daredevil. Altogether, Whalley is fiercely dedicated to her craft and is also the type of person that would rather perform a supporting role than throw in the towel. That fact is she’s a talented actress that shines in any role she steps into.

With that in mind, it’s not a bad idea to take a look at some of the work Joanne Whalley has done, past and present.

Willow Reboot

Joanne Whalley Willow

It’s almost poetic when someone does a full 360 with a role the way Joanne Whalley has with the TV show, Willow. It was practically her break-out role back in 1988, and now she reprised the role in 2022. At the center of the storyline is Sorsha, the daughter of the evil Queen Bavmorda (Jean Marsh).

Besides being the evil queen’s daughter, she was also the queen’s hand of justice. But that all changed when she met Val Kilmer‘s character, Madmartigan. She switched over to the good side, but as it is in tales like this, it’s not that simple.

She must have made a good impression on both the creators of the show and audiences because a Willow reboot hit the scenes in 2022. In the new series, she’s moved up in life as she comes back as the queen. With a ton of new adventures lined up in the future of the show, it’s safe to say that Whalley isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.



Joanne Whalley Daredevil

There may still be a few Daredevil fans out there that don’t know much about Sister Maggie. But, she’s an essential part of the show’s cast. In a nutshell, she’s the woman that nurses Matt Murdock (Charlie Thomas Cox) back to health after the second season. In a broader sense, she helps him find himself and piece his life back together.

When talking about her opinion of her character, Joanne Whalley told Collider, ” She’s had a life. She’s wise, tough, seen a few things. She’s not afraid. She has the strength of her faith… So she’s a fighter, but she’s also vulnerable. She’s human, too.”

It’s roles like these that really show how much range Whalley has. It equally makes it clear that seasoned talent like hers has a place in today’s Hollywood.

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