What We Learned from The Crown Season 4 Trailer

What We Learned from The Crown Season 4 Trailer

One big takeaway from The Crown season 4 trailer is that Princess Diana will be taking the plunge and tying the knot it looks like, and the monarchy will never be quite the same as anyone that remembers those days when Diana entered the picture. Things have certainly changed for the monarchy throughout the years and the arrival of Margaret Thatcher was yet another big event in the story that was bound to have long-reaching effects. Though some might be willing to state that the show does provide a few inaccuracies here and there (it is a biographical TV show after all) many might want to state that it’s kept fairly true to the overall feel of the monarchy in England and despite any liberties taken has provided a very good look into a system that many Americans might not fully understand but can certainly respect in many ways. Some folks might even be crass enough to state that there’s a good reason that the colonists fought the Revolutionary War when they see a show like this, but that type of ignorance is kind of beside the fact since the reality is that Americans once fought a type of tyranny that today’s people have never known. Of course if one were to ask the English they might call the Revolutionary War a temper tantrum. But that’s kind of beside the point since as the monarchy has existed for so long it is fairly easy to be impressed and to think that it’s true, that it shouldn’t fall within such a short time. But times do change, and they did change, and they’re still changing.

Another big change to come is the fact that season 4 will not be followed swiftly by season 5, as fans will have to wait until 2022 to see the next season as things will be shutting down for the time being to try and get everything back on track. That might come as a blow to a lot of fans that want to see the show continue, but it will also force them to experience a shift as several of the cast members might not be back when the show returns and it could be a very different outlook that will great the audience when The Crown is put back on. In the meantime, it does sound as though seasons one through four will remain on Netflix so that people can stay caught up and not feel as though they’ve missed anything. But cutting off the flow of entertainment when it comes to this particular show is bound to raise at least a small outcry among a lot of fans since there are plenty of people that fully enjoy this show and will be wondering just when it will return.

The fact that 2022 is the current date that we’re being given as to when it will return makes a person wonder if the show is going to experience a serious time jump and just how far that will be. There’s still plenty of history to cover and a lot of characters left to bring forth, but with the royal wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, it does feel as though the show is about to experience a tremendous shift that will bring it closer to the modern era and will possibly bring it up to date at some point if that’s the direction that it’s being given. One has to wonder how a lot of people are going to feel about this if that is what’s going to happen since the amount of history that this show could depict is tremendous and all that’s happened in England during the queen’s reign is enough to make several different stories all on their own. But putting Princess Diana into the mix means that things could be moving ahead swiftly and that the story could be heating up in a big way since a lot of people remember the troubles that Charles and Diana had during their marriage and there might be a lot of fans that want to see this in detail, though it’d be a wonder if the royals didn’t have something to say about it since this after all their lifestyle that’s being put on stage for the world to see. So far it does feel that they’ve taken the show with a good bit of grace, but considering that Princess Diana and her life and her death have been sensitive subjects for quite some time it’s hard to say just what’s going to happen and whether or not Netflix is going to be able to go as far as they want.

At any rate, season 4 looks like it’s going to be another big hit and it could very well hold a lot of people over for the next couple years.

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