Watch a 4-Ton Wrecking Ball Destroying Cars in Super Slow Motion

Sitting and watching a 4-ton wrecking ball in slow motion is just hypnotic somehow.  Of course Miley Cyrus was going to be mentioned, you just knew it was coming. Coming in like a wrecking ball doesn’t get any new meaning with this but it gets a new level of respect since when you can see what it does you can’t help but sit up a little straighter and think that mass plus speed becomes a devastating force that you can’t help but marvel at. In full speed it’s just over way too soon, but in slow motion, wow. This is something that deserves a little more introspection and a lot more respect.

Watching it go through a brick wall like it was a sheet of paper was impressive enough, but then watching it plow through the side of a car like it was no more substantial than a bowl of pudding was even more so. The area of impact is a lot smaller than the area of effect. Despite the vast difference between a wall and a car the wrecking ball still drags material in from all points of the car as it bows under the pressure of the hit, whereas the wall just fractures.

The next car however is different in that it has no support post between the front and the back like the smaller car. This allows the ball to then shove its way further into the car and drag it along rather than have its momentum stilled. Without having its forward momentum stalled as happened with the first car the second vehicle was still drawn inward but not allowed to ground out. Hitting it again from the bottom folds up the car just a little more, as though one was folding up a milk carton by repeatedly punching it.

The next car was placed directly beneath the wrecking ball, and it was just dropped like a stone onto the car. The ball landed directly in the front seats. The impact was so hard that the wrecking ball actually bounced off of the ground, which indicates that it vaporized everything that was beneath it. Then they aimed it over the engine, and the result was about the same, only more so. Now think about this, with the first hit they were aiming for the car in general without really taking into account what would happen yet.  The second time they were aiming for the engine, you know, that solid hunk of metal that sits beneath the hood of your car. The wrecking ball smashed it to bits without any issue, and once again it rebounded off the ground.

I’m not really sure what the point of the whole thing was but one thing is for certain, coming in like a wrecking ball now means that you’re going to flat out pulverize everything that’s in your path no matter what it is. If that’s what Miley Cyrus meant then great, but somehow I don’t think the impact of her song was felt quite the same way as it was with the Slow Mo Guys.

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