So why is it so hard to fall asleep? That kind of depends on who you ask and what kind of lifestyle you lead. It doesn’t matter if you’re an early riser or a night owl, sleep is eventually needed by every human being living. It’s the shutdown time that allows your brain and your body to get some much-needed rest from the day of work and exertion you’ve just done. However, those that have trouble falling asleep can be experiencing difficulty for many different reasons. Some people, and there’s days I envy them, can fall asleep just about anywhere and somehow never oversleep. This usually means that they’re getting some kind of restful sleep but that they’re not going fully under, meaning that they aren’t likely to be experiencing REM sleep.
The causes when it comes to difficulty sleeping can be anything from stress to whatever you ate just before going to bed. If you’ve eaten a lot of protein it could be that your body is actively trying to break it down and absorb it into your bloodstream. This takes a good deal of work and as a result you might not be able to slip into as deep a sleep as you’d like. Another explanation could be noise, meaning too little or too much. Those that living the city are often thought to be accustomed to certain noises that are constants in their parts of the world. This means that if they move or spend time away from the city and their usual noises that they might have trouble falling asleep. The same could be said for those that live in the country and then come to stay in a more heavily-populated area.
Caffeine is another big factor that can affect how quickly you go to sleep since it’s a stimulant and can rev up the body as it’s intended when a person needs an extra burst of energy to get going. Drinking caffeinated beverages before going to bed is not the best of ideas.
Stress is a big factor when it comes to sleeping since it can keep you from getting a good night’s rest without much effort. If a person is stressed about something they did during the day or years before it could affect them in a big way by not allowing their brain to ‘shut down’ for the night and allow them to sleep. This unfortunately has the side effect of depriving a person of any needed sleep and over a period of time can cause physical ailments as well. A lack of sleep means that your senses can be impaired, your motor functions might be sluggish, and overall your performance from just getting up in the morning to trying to get through a single day of work could be seriously impeded.
It’s recommended that a person carve out about thirty minutes or so to wind down at the end of the day before going to bed. This allows the body to relax before finally taking a breather for the night.
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