The Top 10 “Will They or Won’t They” TV Shows of All Time!
The concept of a “will they or won’t they” romantic relationship within a television show is a standard trope that all viewers recognize.
Burn Notice coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
The concept of a “will they or won’t they” romantic relationship within a television show is a standard trope that all viewers recognize.
Burn Notice is one of those shows that simply got away from me over the years. I liked it for a good long while, until season four perhaps, then one time it c
Before I begin I have to say, Holy crap was that an amazing finale. If you are like me you literally were on the edge of your seat the whole episode. These tw
After watching last weeks not so fast and furious episode, I was a little dissapointed yet still optomistic about this weeks episode. With the way the season
If you missed last weeks review you can find it here. After last weeks episode, I began to have nervous feelings about “Hot Property”. I thought m
After being gone for 2 months, Michael and his crew are back. Will his time in the hospital change Michael’s attitude? Will this explosive episode (yes
You probably don’t know Garret Dillahunt by name, but you should, because you know his work. He may be the most hated guy on television. You see, heR
This is the moment all Burn Notice fans have waited for this season. Does Jesse kill Michael, doe Barrett kill Michael, or does nobody die at all. Spoiler War
Jesse Porter is pissed. John Barrett is not a very nice guy and he’s brought an army. Vaughn is probably a little cranky too. All of these guys are look
This Thursday, USA has given us appointment television at its best: the sure to be smoldering summer finale of Burn Notice season four. As the first half of t