TV and Movie Characters: How Much Would They Make in Real Life?

TV and Movie Characters: How Much Would They Make in Real Life?

Our favorite TV and movie characters might be fictional, but many of them work all-too-real jobs. These jobs seem to allow them to make huge financial commitments, purchase almost anything on a whim and not have to worry about the debt collectors coming round. This is good for the show, but have you ever wondered how much they’d be earning if they did their jobs in real life?

To answer this question, Bizdaq used sources like Forbes, The Washington Times and a host of salary websites to find out how much money some of the most popular fictional characters would be making. It seems that whilst some characters are living within their means, others are living a lavish lifestyle they can’t afford…

Who’s Doing Well?

Michael Scott, everyone’s favorite paper salesman and self-professed World’s Greatest Boss would be making around $80,000. This is a decent wage, but we know Michael wasn’t immune to money problems — once even having to DECLARE BANKRUPTCY!

Ross Geller – palaeontologist, professor and perennial friend — would be earning in excess of $100,000, which should be enough to afford an apartment in New York. No word yet on how much he could make working over Christmas as the Holiday Armadillo.

Ron Burgundy is kind of a big deal, and his salary of $83,300 reflects it. Don’t act like you’re not impressed.

Who’s struggling?

It’s not all fun and games for the characters though. Travis Bickle, New York’s most well-known taxi driver, would be just about scraping by on $35,668 a year. You’ve got to wonder how he could afford the rent in New York on such a small wage.

Ellen Ripley would be making a very respectable $79,223 for her troubles aboard the Nostromo, but considering the amount of alien attacks she has to endure, it surely can’t be worth it.

Perhaps the most revelatory salary is that of Sherlock Holmes. As a private detective in the UK, he’d be earning around £25,000, or $31,154 a year. Given his Baker Street apartment, he must have money coming from elsewhere.

Check out the infographic for a full list of characters and their wages, and see who’s making more than you’d think!

TV and Movie Characters: How Much Would They Make in Real Life?

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