Trump’s Grandfather Wrote an Emotional Letter Begging Not to be Deported

Trump’s Grandfather Wrote an Emotional Letter Begging Not to be Deported

These are the times you have to love the internet.   This is one of those times.  In the new Trump administration, the President and his staff have been widely criticized with regard to their treatment of immigrants (among other things) as well as new policies regarding immigration itself.  But today something quite startling has come to light.  Donald Trump’s own grandfather Friedrich Trump once himself begged for clemency back in 1905.   In classic Trump fashion he wrote that it was  “very, very hard for a family” to be forcibly denied access to its home.  Here’s the full statement.

Why should we be deported? This is very, very hard for a family. What will our fellow citizens think if honest subjects are faced with such a decree?  In this urgent situation I have no other recourse than to turn to our adored, noble, wise, and just sovereign lord, our exalted ruler His Royal Highness, highest of all, who has already dried so many tears, who has ruled so beneficially and justly and wisely and softly and is warmly and deeply loved, with the most humble request that the highest of all will himself in mercy deign to allow the applicant to stay in the most gracious Kingdom of Bavaria.

There’s also one more thing that’s vintage Trump.  Friedrich also includes this line, describing his time in America: “God’s blessing was with me, and I became rich.”

I wonder how the Donald is going to respond to this one.

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