10 Things You Didn’t Know about Trevor Jackson

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Trevor Jackson

When it comes to breaking into the entertainment industry, most people are told that they need to find a lane and stick with it. Trevor Jackson, however, has never taken that advice. Not only has Trevor done several things in his career, but he’s excelled at all of them. The multi-talented star has never been shy about sharing his abilities and he’s managed to have a successful career as an actor and singer. As an actor, Trevor is best known for his role in shows like Grown-ish and American Crime. As a singer, Trevor recently released his debut album and his fans couldn’t be any more excited. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Trevor Jackson.

1. He Is Originally From Indiana

Trevor was born and raised in Indiana, and while the Indianapolis area has a lot of things to offer, it’s not the best place to start a career in the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find any information on when he decided to relocate, but it does appear that he’s currently based in Los Angeles.

2. He Has Been On Broadway

Most of Trevor’s fans are aware with his on screen work and his work as a musician. However, what many people may not know is that he’s also been on Broadway. In 2004, when he was just 8-years-old, he was cast as Young Simba in the Broadway production of The Lion King.

3. He Has Behind The Scenes Experience

Trevor doesn’t just know how to put on a good show when he’s on a stage or in front of a camera, he’s also gotten some experience telling stories from the other side of the lense. Since 2017, Trevor has written, directed, and produced several of his own music videos.

4. He Loves Giving Back To The Community

Trevor is extremely thankful for all of the opportunities he’s been given and he wants to use his platform to help other people. He has been involved with several charity organizations throughout the years including the Ronald McDonald House, The League of Young Voters Education Fund, and NBA Cares.

5. He Is A Dancer

Music and acting have become the major focuses in Trevor’s life, but his journey as a performer actually started with dance. Trevor began taking tap dance lessons when he was younger and continued in the genre for many years. He cites the late Gregory Hines as one of his biggest influences.

6. He Loves Surfing

Surfing is one of Trevor’s favorite things to do and he believes he would’ve made a career of it had it not been for performing. He told Euphoriazine, “If I wasn’t doing entertainment I’d probably be surfing every single day, probably competing, or maybe just doing some soul searching. Traveling the world and getting engaged in different cultures and just being under the sun in some way, riding the wave.”

7. He Is A Strong Advocate For Therapy

Conversations about mental health are becoming more and more common, but there’s still certain level of stigma around certain topics. Trevor, however, understands the importance of taking care of his mental health. During an interview with Pop Sugar he said, “I got advised to start going to therapy, and it definitely changed my life. Honestly, everyone should go if they can!”

8. He Is A Private Person

When people spend as much time in the industry as Trevor has, it becomes almost impossible for them to have any kind of privacy. Fortunately for him, however, Trevor has managed to keep his personal business out of the streets. He has never been one to share a lot of personal details about his life.

9. He Is All About Creating His Own Happiness

Even though everybody wants to be happy, happiness isn’t always that easy to find. Trevor believes that the true key to happiness is simply focusing on what makes you happy instead of worrying about others. While talking to 1883 Magazine Trevor shared, “you can’t live for the happiness of anyone else, otherwise, you’ll live in your own prison that you created instead of being free and doing the things you want to do. You only have a short period of time, so make the most of it. Be happy.”

10. He Is Good Friends With Diggy Simmons

Long before Trevor and Diggy became co-stars on Grown-ish, they were good friends. The two actually met several years ago through their record label, Atlantic Records. The two have collaborated together on music throughout the years and have formed a genuine bond outside of working together.

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