Tag: Horror

Movie Review: Old People

How often do people really think that the elderly pose a serious risk? There have been movies that have shown elderly citizens that are still spry enough to b

Movie Review: Arbor Demon

Camping is usually kind of relaxing, isn’t it? The idea is to get out in the woods, relax, and have a good time while trying to enjoy nature and find a

Movie Review: The Privilege

Calling this movie strange and unusual would be just the start since, upon getting further into it, one can’t help but think that this is a good idea th

Into The Dark Review: Pilgrim

Just in time for Thanksgiving, Pilgrim is a movie that bridges the gap between this coming holiday and Halloween in a very disturbing manner that is all about

Movie Review: Smile

It does feel as though a lot of people are a little too easy to scare and/or impress these days since Smile is a scary movie, but it’s not so terrifying

Movie Review: Delirium

The way this movie starts is enough to state that the use of the found footage style of filming is something that can come off as necessary or as a means of c

Movie Review: 11/11/11

It’s interesting to think that I can honestly state that there are a handful of movies out there that rely on a child being the antichrist and, therefor

Movie Review: House of Fears

If you’ve seen one type of horror movie, then you’ve seen them all, right? A lot of people would argue for or against this, but while House of Fea

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