Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

Marvel is absolutely full of superhero teams that operate all over the globe even if most of them are located firmly in the USA. Their power sets range so dramatically that even one team is usually enough to take down some of the biggest and baddest villains of all time. Their differences however have set many of them at odds with one another as philosophies and practices have been seen to be widely different between them. All of them value life in one way or another but do their best to preserve it in their own way. Regardless, everyone has for a long time chosen their own personal favorites based on a lot of different factors, with the team’s purpose being one of them.

Here are some of the most noted superhero groups in the Marvel universe.

5. The X-Men

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

Despite being such a convoluted and not entirely cohesive group at times the X-Men have almost always been united on one front. They are reviled by so many of the humans they try to save that sticking together is all they have. They’ve fragmented and regrouped more than a few times over they years and lost key members along the way, but for the most part they’ve been around for quite a while.

4. The New Warriors

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

Though the team has changed in the current era this was was one of the hottest teams to grace the pages when it first came out. They were edgy, hard-hitting, and featured at least a couple of big names that were still worth something in the Marvel universe. Nova and Firestar had already gained a healthy amount of respect, as had Speedball. Namorita, Night Thrasher, and Marvel Boy were still making their way forward.

3. Alpha Flight

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

Some of their greatest clashes of all time came when they stood against Wolverine and, on occasion, the X-Men. Despite being on the same side, meaning they both fought the forces of evil, the differences between the two teams have always been great enough that they could never fully reconcile for a long period of time. They’ve worked with each other before, but each engagement’s been short-lived, relatively speaking.

2. The Fantastic Four

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

You would think that they’d call themselves something else if the team ever split up, but the name stuck even when a core member or two wasn’t present at some point for one reason or another. There have been others that have worn the 4 on their chest, but they’ve come and gone fairly quickly, remaining allied with the Fantastic Four but not counting themselves as one of them.

1. The Avengers

Our Top Five Marvel Superhero Teams of All-Time

This is one of the only teams on which so many people from other teams have served. It’s like the armed forces of superhero teams since it’s spawned the West Coast Avengers, the East Coast Avengers, the reserve Avengers, and so on and so forth. At one point many upon many other superheroes have joined and were made reservists or were allowed into the team for a short period of time. The Avengers stand as one of the most interchangeable teams of all time, and one among many whose core members are never shown together for their origin story.

As the years go on I kind of expect to see the comic book movies continue to change.


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