This Key Character is Missing From The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Cast

A crucial character from the book, “The Fifth Witness”, is not making its way to the screen. Netflix gave a green signal to The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 on June 14, 2022. Season 2’s narrative is adapting the fourth book — “The Fifth Witness” — from Michael Connelly‘s series. 

This book is centered on Mickey Haller, a defense lawyer who’s representing suspected murderer Lisa Trammel. Characters like Mickey Haller, Maggie McPherson, Izzy, Lorna, and Cisco are returning, however, Netflix has also added some new characters like Lisa Trammel and prosecutor Andrea Freeman. But those who have read the book know that a key character is missing from the cast of The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2.

Jennifer Aronson is Missing From The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 

This Key Character is Missing From The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Cast

When Jennifer Aronson is introduced in “The Fifth Witness”, Mickey Haller hired her as an associate straight out of law school. Haller, in his narrative, refers to her as ‘Bullocks’. That’s because she graduated from Southwestern law school, which is housed in the old Bullocks department store building. Aronson’s character extends beyond the fourth book as she’s also in three other books by Michael Connelly — “The Gods of Guilt”, “The Crossing”, and “The Law of Innocence”.

In “The Fifth Witness”, Jennifer Aronson handles Trammel’s case when Haller gets injured. In “The Law of Innocence”, she becomes a member of the defense team when Haller is accused of murder. So even though she plays a key role in Michael Connelly’s books, she isn’t in The Lincoln Lawyer season 2

This isn’t the first time a book adaptation is cutting down one of the key characters. It has happened to characters like Peeves the Poltergeist, Winky the House-Elf, Ludo Bagman, and Bertha Jorkins, who don’t appear in the Harry Potter movies. The cast list for The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 has been announced, and it doesn’t include Aronson. So clearly, she won’t be appearing as Mickey Haller’s second chair in the show.

A Strange Cast Member is Already Set to Replace Aronson

This Key Character is Missing From The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Cast

Even though Jennifer Aronson is not appearing in the show, her character might be merged into Lorna Taylor’s character. The very same thing happened with Bosch‘s character since Netflix couldn’t introduce this character due to the rights issue. So, Bosch’s role was adapted by Griggs and Cisco.

Netflix has not released an official statement explaining why they aren’t introducing this key character in season 2. However, it’ll be interesting to see how Aronson’s character might be taken on by Lorna Taylor. Aronson is a fresh graduate in the book, and Lorna would probably be in law school — as she was seen applying for it in one of the last scenes of season 1. Being Haller’s second chair would help her apply her freshly acquired knowledge.

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