The Trailer for Supernova Elicits Potential Oscar Hype

The Trailer for Supernova Elicits Potential Oscar Hype

As much of a joke as the Oscars have become in recent times, and they have, don’t kid yourself into thinking any different, these upcoming Oscars will no doubt be hard to gauge since the state of the movies in this current year has been something that the Academy Awards committee hasn’t had to deal with in quite some time. A good number of blockbusters that should have been out by now and possibly on their way to shelves have been delayed until next year and in some cases, those that might have been released next year are getting pushed back even further. This is causing a lot of people to wonder just what’s going to happen to Hollywood in the years to come, but it’s also opening doors that might not have been as possible since Supernova is one of those that might have been overshadowed had such a thing not happened. As it can be seen in the trailer, this movie is already set to pull at the heartstrings of just about anyone that decides to give it a chance, as the performances of Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci are bound to get to pretty much anyone with a pulse, so long as their biases aren’t so dead set against the idea of the movie.

Some people still aren’t comfortable with men who are in a romantic relationship with each other even to this day, and despite many wanting to call such individuals bigots it’s usually better to focus on one’s own feeling toward such a movie since the premise of Supernova is actually quite interesting and the dynamic between Tucci and Firth is intriguing. Firth plays the role of Sam and Tucci is cast as Tusker, and the two have decided to travel the country in their shared camper as they revisit old friends and places they enjoy in a long, much-needed trip. This isn’t purely for enjoyment however as Tusker has been diagnosed with young-onset dementia, which is every bit as devastating, if not more so, for those that have not yet reached an elderly state, since the effects are just as horrifying for those going through it. The idea of losing touch with who you are, losing any memory of what you’ve done, and not recognizing those around you, even those that have been a part of your life for decades, is more horrifying than many people would want to contemplate since it is a kind of waking death to some folks that doesn’t end soon enough, and can cause a great amount of grief.

As far as Oscar material this could be one of those that sees its way to the finals, or it could be snubbed since the new guidelines that have come out for the Oscars might decide to accept it or push it to the side depending on who has the final word. The new guidelines are a bit funky to be certain since they’re asking for inclusion on a bigger level when it comes to minorities and those of different sexual orientation and genders, but somehow it still feels as though the guidelines are seeking to exclude one particular group of people, which kind of defeats the whole purpose. The idea of not basing the winner on the strength of the movie is also a very self-defeating practice since allowing a winning script and story, not to mention the acting that goes into a movie, to be pushed to the side for a lesser movie simply because that movie has more diversity and worse acting is beyond the pale when it comes to awarding the ‘best’ picture. Supernova already looks like a very heartfelt and tough movie to watch, particularly for those that have been affected by dementia in some way, be it their own life or someone close to them. Having seen it up close and personal there are many of us that can say that it is both horrifying and demoralizing to realize that the ones we care about the most might not recognize us from day to day, or remember the things they’ve done in their life. That alone is one reason why this movie might be so powerful.

But being Oscar-worthy is a huge step for any movie since it means, or should mean, that the movie and all those that had something to do with it created something that was so powerful that people couldn’t help but feel the emotions run fast and free as they watched each minute. A story such as this has been told many upon many times, and in many different ways, but being that this is a tale that never really gets old, because it affects so many people, it’s fair to say that Supernova might have a very good chance at an Oscar.

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