The Red Hood Fan Series Season 3 Allows Fans to Help Out on Kickstarter

The Red Hood Fan Series Season 3 Allows Fans to Help Out on Kickstarter

Too often it’s seen that a series is made for the viewers but doesn’t really have any accountability when it comes to how it turns out or if it even comes to be since the fans are essentially paying for it by watching the series, but they’re not really paying into it as they can with the Red Hood series, which is now leaning into season 3 and is willing to accept all the help it can get via Kickstarter as Ian Lang shows. This show has thus far explored the fan favorite, the Red Hood, and his adventures with Tim Drake and Damian Wayne, thanks to the efforts of the fans as they’ve contributed enough to make the show a reality. The second season was made possible back in March thanks to the fans, and now the show is depending on people to help it keep running, as the goal to reach at this time is around $10,000, a goal that’s well on track to being reached as people continue to chime in. As a fan series the Red Hood has managed to gain millions of views and thousands of subscribers, and they’re looking to take things to a new level as they continue to push towards their goals. Obviously it’s a bit expensive but so far the fans have been very receptive and willing to give what it takes to make sure there’s another season in the making.

Even better are the incentives that are being given for donating certain amounts, as posters, miniature Red Hood helmets, and other such merchandise are available in order allow the fans to further enjoy the show. While the plan is of course to raise more in order to really push the limits of the show and give people an even better experience it’s going to take a bit to get there and will likely require the guys behind the scenes to put up a bit of their own capital as well, but thus far the fans have been very understanding and have come together to make sure that the show will continue and will hopefully show even more of the Batman universe that will continue to wow the audience and impress them in ways that will allow the support to continue and even build as it goes along. One very great goal that they might think about, though it’s far and away kind of lofty even at this point, is to get the attention of a major studio that might want to work with them. The show has been impressive enough that it could easily be adapted as a TV show or possibly a movie if someone with enough clout was to view it and see the show as worthy. When you think about this would be something that might give DC the shot in the arm that it so badly needs.

When you think about it the Red Hood would be another perfect character to see on the CW if it ever got picked up, though as a fan series at this point it feels a lot more pure since it hasn’t been taken on by a major studio and it’s been there to please the fans, not just to get ratings. Should the guys behind the scenes ever really make an attempt to get it on a regular channel it might actually kill off the interest if only because this is what seems to happen when something great is taken and made into something big. Sometimes at least, but not always. As it stands the Red Hood series is already doing quite well given that it hasn’t had the backing of a major studio as of yet and is being self-funded and aided by the fans. This means that people have been pulling together to see something that isn’t so heavily laden with plot points and confusing characters and big-name actors that are bound to drown out certain points in the series that need to be highlighted. We’re getting quality storytelling and a vision that has so far been absolutely great. Even better is the mention that the Bat family might take on Bane if things go okay, which would be nothing short of fantastic.

As it’s been throughout the series the third one will focus on Jason Todd and his companions as they try to sort out the mess that’s been left in the wake of Batman’s strange disappearance, tackling problems that they’re situated for and used to handling. Fans are of course encouraged to visit the Kickstarter site and see just what kind of incentives there are for donating to keep the show moving forward, with the main goal of course to keep the show afloat and headed towards even loftier goals as it continues to deliver a story that has thus far been very impressive and worthy of any DC fan’s attention.

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