The Five Most Shocking General Hospital Moments of 2020

The Five Most Shocking General Hospital Moments of 2020

General Hospital has always been overly dramatic and insane when it comes to their story lines, but 2020 has been a year of even more insanity. This year has been, well, insane. From the show being shut down to spending months watching reruns to wondering what would happen or even if the show would ever be able to get back into production again, things have not gone the way we thought they would at all this year. It’s been a year of shocking moments, but there are a few that have really caused us to sit back and wonder what is going on. These are the five moments we simply did not see coming, the moments that shocked us most, in 2020.

Alex is Back

All right, so her coming back to town is not the most shocking thing. But, the simple fact of the matter is that we are shocked that she’s really trying to get rid of Anna, her own twin, to take over her life. It’s like she’s reached a whole new level of low, and that is shocking. It shocks us because we didn’t think Alex could reach a new level of low. She’s been around a few times trying to slyly take over her sister’s identity in specific moments to manipulate specific situations, but she’s never tried to take over Anna’s life once and for all just to save her own. We are shocked that this is happening.

Peter is Not Anna’s Son

Can we just sit here for a moment and ponder what the heck happened here? This is a man who was born to Cesar Faison who came to town to find his birth mother while acting a lot like his birth father, and who was not a nice guy? He’s been in town all of three years, but he’s been a mess since he got here. He has a half-brother who died and whose wife he is now having a baby with, and he’s got a mother in Anna, and he seems to want to be a good guy, but he cannot seem to shake the shadiness that is his life. But, on that note, it took him and Anna a while to come to terms. They fought hard to get this relationship in check, and now we find out that he is Alex’s son? We were shocked.

Franco’s Tumor

So many things here are so sad and so upsetting for all of us. To find out that his brain tumor is back, that it’s inoperable, and that he will die is just too much for us. He’s had so many ups and so many downs, and he and Liz only just found an ounce of happiness in their lives, and now this. Finding out about this shocked fans, and it broke our hearts.

Franco’s Death Wish

This gets its own shocking moment because we were horrified when he tracked down Jason and asked him to kill him. We did not see this coming, and we did not see Franco taking this route. We know that finding out about his tumor was shocking to him, and that he doesn’t want to tell anyone. He wants to just die before he does anything stupid. The blackouts, the lapse in memories. He doesn’t want his family to just suffer continuously until his brain tumor kills him. He wants to die now and let it all go so that they only mourn now and not for an undetermined amount of time. But, Franco is a man who has been through so much, and to see him approach someone who has so many issues with him and ask him to kill him is just too much. We were shocked by the entire conversation.

Nelle’s Death

We don’t really believe she’s dead because this is soap opera daytime television. However, we were surprised that her death was so much less dramatic than we thought it might be. For one, we never really thought she would die because she’s such an integral mean girl part of the show. Second, we thought it would be something so much more dramatic. We honestly thought we’d see her taken out by someone like Willow or Michael. We really thought one of them might just pull a gun and shoot her in broad daylight in front of everyone and make it as dramatic and crazed as possible, but this is just not how we saw this coming. Either way, though, she fell off a cliff. It’s very daytime death-like, and we were shocked that the show took it so casually.

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