The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Isn’t Sure What He Wants

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Hope Isn’t Sure What He Wants

Bold and the Beautiful fans are loving every second of watching Hope flounder. She’s someone we like, but she’s also someone who makes us a bit crazy. She’s lived her entire life on this high horse in which she feels as if everything revolves around her, that she makes all the decisions, and that everyone loves her the most. She’s been that way since she was born because her mother has always made her feel like Princess Hope. She’s so sweet and innocent and righteous and entitled, and it’s manifesting itself in an ugly manner. She doesn’t want Thomas, but she doesn’t want Thomas to want Zoe. Now she’s feeling something she shouldn’t be feeling, and she cannot stop herself. His plan is working, and we are not surprised. He knows her well, and he knows she will never ben one to share the spotlight with anyone else in her life. She never has been.

She’s suddenly on board with working with him even though she wasn’t for so long. She’s got Liam on board with it, too, even though he is not okay with it. She’s also questioning Thomas and all of his decisions, and she’s wanting to spend more and more time with him. She’s sure that he cannot possibly have feelings for another woman. How could he want Zoe when he wanted her first, and why wouldn’t he want her anymore? It doesn’t matter to Hope that she made it clear that there are no feelings there for Thomas on her behalf, yet here she is trying to make him want to be with her and not Zoe. She misses the attention she got from him, and she will not give that up so easily. He’s living his best life, since he has no feelings for Zoe, and his plan is working.

What’s Happening on Bold and the Beautiful

We love when gifts are given.

What’s Next on Bold and the Beautiful

After a surprise pre-emption on Wednesday, it seems that the entire week has been a bit thrown off, which means that today is the day we are going to see that Hope questions all the things that are going on with Thomas and with Zoe. She’s not someone who likes to have things go any way but her own way, though she would deny that by describing herself as a woman who is kind and loyal and all that jazz. We know her better than that, though. She’s become a bit of a princess in her last few years. She feels that the world owes her because she is so kind and good. She would never do anything to anyone — except sleep with her stepsister’s husband and then cry that she didn’t want to have things happen that way — and then get pregnant and then marry him, and then marry another man, and then lie, and then cheat and steal and do all the things.

She does not like that he has feelings for another woman. We know that they are not true, but she’s suddenly desperate to spend time with him so that she can have his attention back on her. In her mind, she doesn’t like that she’s not his number one anymore. So, she’s suddenly okay working with him at Forrester, and she’s gotten Liam to agree to it, even though he is a man who is clearly not okay with her doing that. Nothing is going well for anyone, and it’s not going to end well for them. We want more from them, and we want to see this happen.

Stay tuned for more The Bold and the Beautiful and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers, news, and updates.

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