‘Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter’ Invites You to Conquer the Darkness With Violent New Trailer

In the trailer for Tails of Iron 2, we caught fleeting glimpses that suggested the game’s brilliance. Tails of Iron is an action-adventure RPG developed by Odd Bug Studio and published by United Label. The first major title is set in a dark and gritty medieval world populated entirely by anthropomorphic animals. Founded by brothers Thomas and David Young, Odd Bug Studio began with a vision to create immersive and visually dazzling gaming experiences.

Though some regard the studio as relatively new, Odd Bug Studio made its entry into the gaming industry with the release of The Lost Bear, its debut game, in 2017. The success rate of debut games for developers is relatively low. Creating a successful game requires a combination of factors including talent, experience, timing, marketing, and luck. Many developers pour their hearts and souls into their debut projects, but unfortunately, some of them have seen their efforts buried under the weight of competition or overshadowed by more established names.

But success stories do exist, and Odd Bug stands as one. Tails of Iron features hand-drawn visuals that bring the world to life with rich detail and atmospheric environments. It gained attention for its unique take on the genre. Given the enthusiastic response to Tails of Iron, there’s a general expectation within the community that Odd Bug Studio will expand and create further games in the future. In a twist of fate, with three years gone by, the sequel we never imagined is teased in the recent trailer for Tails of Iron 2.

Tails of Iron Was a Blast, but Tails of Iron 2 Is Set to Outdo It in Every Possible Way

Tails of Iron 2 screenshot

Odd Bug has been a master of cryptic tweets for some time, but each time, we’ve seen through the veil to catch the unmistakable scent of another Tails of Iron tale.

Each person has their own criteria for what makes a game the best, which can lead to some lively debates. However, when it comes to Tails of Iron, there’s pretty much a common ground about its superiority. The franchise has always been well-received, even within the critical circles of Reddit. They even scored 80% “very positive” overall reviews on Steam and are expected to do even better in their sequel.

Judging from the trailer, it appears that Tails of Iron 2 won’t disappoint Soulslike fans once again. Everything feels like a nostalgic trip back to the 2021 sleeper hit, but now it screams maxed out. The studio’s goal is to forge a game that breaks the mold of a conventional sequel. They also pointed out that the new gameplay mechanics all pitch in to make Arlo’s expedition “even more epic than King Redgi’s.”

Despite being the most anticipated and hyped, the return of Doug Cockle’s voice still thrilled most players. Doug gained fame mostly for his role as Geralt of Rivia in the cult classic gaming series The Witcher. Without a doubt, his performance in the Tails of Iron 2 trailer is also what many would call perfect. The trailer drops plenty of clues, but it’s evident that we all felt compelled to hit the replay button multiple times because of the timeless allure of the narrator’s voice. 

The Trailer for Tails of Iron 2 Gives the Impression That It Will Nail the Sequel Landing

The forerunner title is set in a fairy-tale kingdom of rats and other critters. The game follows Prince Redgi, a minuscule rat next in line for the throne of the kingdom besieged by battles against the tribe of frogs. As peace falters among the rats, Redgi’s quest is to avenge his father, liberate his subjects, and reclaim his throne while banishing the frogs to their swamp. Redgi then comes to see that the conflict goes deeper than just hatred between the two species.

While Redgi won’t steal the spotlight in the sequel, he does make a few appearances in the trailer, visibly aged. It’s logical that he could still be involved in the “new ‘tail‘ of bloodshed and medieval revenge.” Tails of Iron 2 will introduce Arlo, the soon-to-be leader of the Wardens of the North. Arlo’s roaming unfolds in the frigid northern territories, where a history of conflict scars the place. The narrative revolves around Arlo’s vengeance and redemption as he strives to quell the tide of darkness creeping into his homeland.

Winter’s Edge, the citadel of the North, is tormented by a malevolent force itching for revenge. The Dark Wings likely sought revenge because they might have once been connected to the kingdom in some way before turning against it. Perhaps they were once part of Winter’s Edge or the surrounding realms but were cast out or betrayed, leading to a deep-seated desire for vengeance. Among the gameplay elements, an expanded campaign of bloody conflicts and revenge is expected.

The series reintroduces its hardcore combat, now more impactful than ever. Arlo’s arsenal now also includes weapons upgraded with fire, ice, electricity, and poison effects. There is also new monster-hunting gameplay, wherein Arlo must conquer 15 colossal creatures to gain rare upgrade components and boost his odds against the Dark Wings. Count on upgraded base-building mechanics and an expanded day-night cycle with a broader range of enemy encounters.

Tails of Iron 2 Will Be On Nearly Every Next-Gen Platform You Can Think Of

Tails of Iron 2 screenshot

It’s typical for developers to maintain secrecy around their release platforms even after showcasing trailers. This could be a planned move or just how they usually do things, but Tails of Iron 2 doesn’t seem to be either. The first title made its debut across Switch, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5, all on the same release date. Therefore, when rumors hinted at another Trails of Iron, fans didn’t fret over which platforms it might land on.

PlayStation and Xbox have both confirmed the upcoming release of a sequel, which was rolled out with an announcement and gameplay trailer. It is slated for availability on their respective platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Tails of Iron 2 is confirmed to be headed to the Nintendo Switch, the same as its predecessor. You can also expect the game to land on PC, with the option to play via either Epic or Steam.

At the time of writing, there hasn’t been an official release date shared by the developers, but Tails of Iron 2 is available on Steam for wishlisting. By doing so, you’ll stay in the loop regarding the game’s development progress, release schedules, and other pertinent updates. Adding a game to your wishlist also triggers notifications from Steam, either via email or through the Steam client, whether the game is ready for purchase or pre-order. Find out here if Darkest Dungeon 2 will also span across a wide range of platforms.

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