More Supernatural Season 6 Spoilers « TVOvermind

Last week we posted spoilers about what we should expect to see in season 6 of Supernatural and we learned that the show will go back to more one-shot storytelling with an season-long goal. In light of the season 5 finale that aired late last week, a lot of people are wondering how that will work. In some respects it’s not really a return to the first or second season, since the show has always had a lot of one-off episodes with a long-term goal woven in, but we can expect that the Apocalypse storyline will be over and done with.
Now, courtesy of a translated Brazilian interview with Jensen Ackles, we learn a pretty big spoiler about season six. Seriously, don’t read any further if you don’t want to know!
Expect season six to pick up a few years after the season five finale:
For the creative aspect, we need to understand we just got over a gigantic climax and we’re getting into an unknown territory. The Apocalypse was avoided. That’s why we getting forward a few years and see where the Winchesters are and how it’s their lives. I can’t help, but think of the final scene of “The Hurt Locker” (2009 Oscar winner), when the main character sees himself in front of a shelf with several cereal boxes and doesn’t know what to do. The guy disarms bombs in Iraq, but gets lost on the supermarket! That is not his reality, just like not being a hunter looks like a different world to Dean. All his life was dedicated to one single task, almost like a voluntary slavery, now it’s time to face the monster of real world. That’s totally new to me, through the acting perspective, and I’ll explore a lot more of Dean’s life, that’s why I’m so excited. A kind of introspective tension, like inside monsters.
Now, I know what you’re all thinking – they’re going to pull a Desperate Housewives! The truth is I’m both fascinated and frightened to see where this will lead. Supernatural has always followed a pretty tight and sequential time-line, so it will be interesting to see how this works out.
The question is, of course, what will we see when we jump into the future? I speculated in my season finale recap that I believed Sam wouldn’t reveal himself to Dean and would let his brother live out a normal life. If that’s true, Dean’s going to be pretty pissed when he finds out his brother is alive after thinking him in Hell or many years. What would push Dean back into hunting if he’s been out of it for a few years? Will he just up and leave Lisa and Ben? I can’t really see the whole family going out on the road, so I honestly don’t know how this will play out, but I’m very interested in finding out.
In the meantime, if you follow the link to the translation, you’ll find scans of the original interview. If anyone out there speaks the language and wants to double-check the translation (not that I distrust the original translator, of course!), feel free to post your translation in the comments below.
Email: clarissa @

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