Stephen Colbert Goes One on One with Donald Trump on The Late Show

Stephen Colbert Goes One on One with Donald Trump on The Late Show

People seem to forget that CBS virtually censored and severely limited Stephen Colbert politically on Late Night early on.  People always used to talk about how he wasn’t comfortable and the show wasn’t doing well.  Fact is, it wasn’t but there’s a lot more to it than Colbert being new to the game.   His political jokes and opinions were what people loved and it appears they have changed their minds at least until Trump is out of office whenever that may be.   Maybe they’re in it for the ratings. Maybe for the good of the nation.   But either way it’s allowed the show to rule Late Night television.

Last night was something Colbert’s been doing for years but it’s a first with Donald Trump.   In his exclusive and totally not-edited conversation with the Trump, Stephen asks the President about his first 100 days in office.  As you can see it’s the best Donald Trump’s ever answered questions in his career which makes one wonder if this is fake-news.

I’m convinced this is 100% real.

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