‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Premiere Was Incredibly Successful

‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Premiere Was Incredibly Successful

There’s a plaque on the U.S.S. Shenzhou. Its inscription reads, “All existing things are one.” Sonequa Martin-Green referred to it in her speech, just before the premier screening of Star Trek: Discovery began. She portrays Commander Michael Burnham, the First Officer onboard the U.S.S. Shenzhou, and eventually, the U.S.S. Discovery. She’s a Vulcan, and is called “Number One” in honor of Majel Barrett, second wife of Gene Roddenberry; original Star Trek creator. Barrett was referred to as Number One in the original series. The inscription is the essence of Star Trek, the imaginary universe where peace seekers engage the inhabitants of the stars. The premiere was a festive gathering of many who have gone before, sharing the Blue Carpet walk with those who have set out on the next journey.

The Blue Carpet leading into Hollywood’s Arclight Cinerama Dome was filled with all the folk who’ve created the newest chapter in the Star Trek saga, with the stars from the original show. William Shatner was there to “share a bit of history” and Nichelle Nichols was there to experience the launch of the new series. Nichols said she felt a kinship with Martin-Green and encouraged her to enjoy the new ride. Jonathan Frakes was there, and Leonard Nimoy’s daughter, Julie, too. Nana Visitor and Nicole de Boer from Deep Space Nine, and other crew members from Voyager and Enterprise. Old cast members mingled happily with new cast members; all there to enjoy Discovery-the cinematic experience created to tell a completely new Star Trek story.

The Star Trek: Discovery story begins about ten years before the original Star Trek television show. Discovery features a completely new storyline which is separate from the Star Trek films. The crew of the U.S.S. Discovery explore the cold war between the Federation and the Klingons; who have been redesigned for this latest story. The new Klingons will reflect differences within the species in terms of physical appearance and culture, just as humans on earth differ from culture to culture. Every detail had been considered for the new show, and anticipation has finally been fulfilled in its extremely successful premier.

The first airing on CBS drew in an average of 9.6 million viewers. That number is expected to increase to 15 million when video-on-demand and DVR use is factored into the total. CBS set a goal of wide exposure for the show, tying it to its brand new, digital platform; DCB All Access. Fans of the new show contributed to the record-breaking single day sign-ups the new platform experienced. The previous record holder was the most recent Grammy Awards.

While the first episode was made available to all viewers on CBS, that show ended with a cliffhanger which was resolved in the second episode. The conclusion was only available on the new CBS All Access platform. This did not set well with some fans, as the platform offered a “free” trial version linked to a paid version, requiring signing up for the entire platform. For die-hard Trekkers, this apparently mattered not, as the streaming service had the best week its ever experienced to date for new signers.

Filming began in Toronto, Canada in January 2017, after months of set construction. The production focused on creating the best serialized stories with the most realistic content. Details such as staying true to the original series concept based on Gene Roddenberry’s commitment to positive resolution of conflict are present. So are extravagant use of design. From ship to uniforms to props, armor, illustrations and sets, a high level of artistry and craftsmanship has been utilized. The production design team worked to take world-building to a beautiful, cohesive new environment. Everything was created to be completely original and distinctive, yet inspired by the designs of the original series. What has resulted from all the collaborative effort and thinking, is a brand-new Star Trek story which is cinematic in scope, while retaining the essence of what Star Trek fans have come to love.

Was the premier worth the wait? Far more. Trekkers have waited eagerly for each installment in the Star Trek franchise to appear. Star Trek: Discovery’s amazing complexity and rich character interactions have been woven together with the unity of vision and purpose which Star Trek has always had. This journey was intended to go where no one has yet gone, and with incredible success, has made it so.


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