These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

If you weren’t feeling old yet then maybe hearing that these former hit songs will be turning 20 in 2018 will do it. Of course if you were born after 2000 the chances are good you might have only heard about half of these songs. These were after all officially back in the day before the year 2000 had hit and music wasn’t all that different but was still possessed of a different style that hadn’t yet embraced a few of the finer and stranger points that have come along since. It’s not enough to say that music back then was better or worse, but it is good enough to state that the stuff we hear today is better in some regards because of the new and improved techniques and methods that have been used to create more masterful tracks and easier to access songs that people can download without having to buy the entire album.

What needs to be remembered however is that even if these songs are considered old school, which it’s hard to believe since these were songs that were brand new when I was a college student, they’re still important for the mere fact that they helped to pave the way for the music we have now. Everything that’s come before is still vital to the continued success of what comes next since it creates a basis for what we think of as current and cutting edge. Every artist, every song, and every last note that has come before in the music industry is still considered to be something worth keeping. Even if the songs were never heard past the year of their release, even if the bands never did much of anything after their one big hit, they’re still important. Why? They helped to lay the groundwork for future bands and artists that came after.

Even if a person never went anywhere in their musical career they might have been inspired to do something by the songs that are listed below. Or perhaps someone can recall a memory doing something great while they were listening to one of these songs. It doesn’t matter because one way or another these songs are important and they are worth the time to remember because they helped pave the way for now and later.

The Boy Is Mine-Monica and Brandy

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

The best part about this song is when the guy gets busted by both women at the end after trying to play them both for fools.

Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing-Aerosmith

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

This was one of the number one wedding songs of all time when it came out.

…Baby One More Time-Britney Spears

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

Despite rocketing her to the top this was one of Spears’ most hotly contested songs ever.

Are You That Somebody-Aaliyah

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

The music industry and the world lost a great talent the day she died, but at least her voice gets to live on.

Doo Wop-Lauryn Hill

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

There’s been a lot of controversy with Lauryn Hill since she and the Fugees parted ways, but she still has a great voice.


These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

Somehow she’s just timeless and very classic no matter what kind of shade people throw at her.

Fly Away-Lenny Kravitz

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

This was one of the most classic songs by one of the most classic artists of all time.

Closing Time-Semisonic

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

For as good as this song was it was amazing that Semisonic never went on to do much else.

Intergalactic-Beastie Boys

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

Kickin’ their usual style, the Beastie Boys went wild with this video and it was awesome.

Hard Knock Life-Jay Z

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

This song has been remixed a couple of times and it’s always been just as great.


These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

She’s had her ups and downs as of late but back in the day she was on fire with her career.

Ghetto Superstar-Pras

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

This was about thing I remember Pras doing that was that great, but it was a fun song.

How Deep is Your Love?-Dru Hill

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

I hate to say it but these songs were a dime a dozen back in the day.

That Kiss-Faith Hill

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

She’s always been one of America’s sweethearts and it’s a title she’s earned.


These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

I get knocked down, but I get up again! Yeeaah not so much.


These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

I kind of think that Andre 3000 was better as an actor than a singer.

Iris-GooGoo Dolls

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

This song kind of outstripped the movie it was attached to, City of Angels, for popularity.

One Week-Barenaked Ladies

These Songs Will Turn 20 in 2018

Come on now, “chickity China, the Chinese chicken” was one of the best lines ever written for a song, admit it.

Ah yeah, back in the day when music was a little nuts and it was A-okay.

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