Skyview Drive-In Celebrates 75 Years of Wonderful Customers in Belleville

Skyview Drive-In Celebrates 75 Years of Wonderful Customers in Belleville

Skyview Drive-In, a cherished staple of Belleville, Illinois, is celebrating its monumental 75th anniversary this week. Established on July 8, 1949, Skyview opened with the film On Our Merry Way starring Paulette Goddard.

An Enduring Legacy

It was only one of two drive-ins that the family actually built, along with the Cahokia in Alorton.

Remarkably, the Skyview remains the only drive-in still in operation in the St. Louis region.

A Unique Experience

The retro drive-in double-screen theater in Belleville will be showing nothing but iconic films and cult classics throughout the weekend.

Skyview Drive-In Celebrates 75 Years of Wonderful Customers in Belleville

Affordable and Accessible

Tickets cost just $45 for access to all 12 films they’re showing all weekend, making it an appealing choice for families and movie enthusiasts alike.

A Place for Memories

There’s a really nice drive-in theater in Aurora, Mo. I took my family regularly when we lived there in the late 70s, early 80s…-ozarksboy

Adapting Over Time

The article mentions a historical evolution of drive-in theaters in the US, highlighting the changes from speaker boxes on car windows to broadcasting the soundtrack over the radio at locations like the Skyview Drive-In.

Skyview Drive-In is the perfect place to close out your summer.” – Jaime Lees

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